
September 16, 2021

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting called to order by Aaron Bouch 7 PM

Attendance, Pat and Ron Betts, Michelle and Aaron Bouch, Melissa Miller, Brittany Miller

Absent none

Public Attendance - Gwen and John Kovac

Minutes report.

Motion made to approve Sept minutes made by Melissa, 2nd by Michelle, all in favor motion carried.

Treasurer report

Motion to approved treasurer report for July and August made by Melissa, 2nd by Brittany, all in favor motion passed

Old Business:

Update on park bench concrete sides.

Pat said we contacted Mr. White from Whites concrete. We picked up 3 sets only because of the weight of the concrete sides. We have replaced 1 bench and have 2 more to replace. Pat wanted to know if parks council still wants the other 3 sets. Recommendation was made to get the additional sides since White's no longer has the molds and will not be making anymore.
Aaron and Melissa both said to get the remaining sides. Motion made to proceed to get them made by Aaron 2nd by Melissa. All in favor motion passed.

Update on Brickfest Results

Pat said she also included the 2021 and 2020 Brickfest profit and loss report.
This year we doubled the profit from the 2020 Brickfest.

Melissa said she heard several complaints.

1 The plaques. The toys we had was kind of childless for the 12 year old and older. Melissa discussed several types of awards for the brick toss. One of the items was like the wooden nickels, another was several different types of awards which Melissa showed to Pat. 
No more plaques for Bricktoss.

Another was the time constraints because of the bricktoss it throws the bands off. We should look into only having 2 bands instead of 3.

Another is the start time of the event. Starting at 9 AM is too early. 10 AM is better. Aaron suggested the car show line up starts at 10. Bricktoss starts at 11AM.  
Bands start from 2-4 and then 6 - 8 PM. Basket drawing can be in between the band break down.

Discussion was made on Melissa suggestions . Aaron said he had no problem with her suggestions. The only other thing was how we advertised the car show. We should next year when car shows starts up in Spring we need to go to car shows and start passing around flyers so people can arrange for the event. We could then do the whole car show. Antiques, bikes, classics.. anything with wheels. 

All events it was suggested that the car show for instance, you handle from the beginning to end. This includes getting the people to help with your event, flyers distributed and all. This way not one person is running around trying to do it all. If you are in charge of bricktoss, then you handle everything.
If you handle concession stand then you find the help for it all.

New business

Next meeting is November 18th 7 PM

Movie for October

Discussion was made on various movies.
Corella was not for the kids
Nightmare before Christmas
Adams Family
Hotel Transylvania
Haunted mansion
Spooky buddies and several others were discussed.

Fun Date issue
Pat asked Gwen and John if they got the 21st date changed. Gwen said the dates were wrong so there is nothing for the 21st

Melissa asked what was going on. John said we are not going to running around like crazy and him furnishing the cost of the events like last year.

Pat said the Legion had a birthday listed on the 16th and the 21st which would only give us 1 day to decorate. The district meeting is now on the 20th and that is the only events taking place. They can sit around with the decorations up.
Pat asked who was going to help with the decorating because last year it was basically Ron Gwen and myself and one evening Beth.
Melissa said we need to make a plan. I can do evenings after closing the store.
We have a week to plan. Gwen said she has several blow ups and that is it. Most of the decorations were from Ron and Pat. Melissa said the 17th in the evening she is available.
Melissa said Sept 20th in the evening she can come to a meeting at 6 PM to work up a plan for decorating. Do we have a budget for this. Legion already approved me for $250 for decorations and $500 for food and treats at Legion.

Help for fun day.
Melissa said she will not be there but she has several people to fill in her spot. Gladine and Glen and Lisa Mundorff said they would help out.

Pat confirmed with Misty Haven for the hayrides for that day. 4-6 PM
Pat asked about the start time for pumpkin carving. 3 PM same as last year was decided.

Lets pre-register and pre-pay for pumpkin. Have them pay $5. deposit per child and when they show up they get their money back.

Halloween decorating at park.

Aaron motioned to approve decorations up to $300 for blow ups at the park 2nd by Melissa all in favor motion passed.

Other business
Melissa would like to have a special account to work on the bottom park.
Discussion was made on the equipment at the lower park. Melissa said she is going to write a grant to Ligonier endowment just for the lower park. What kind of fundraiser can we do?

Aaron mentioned a Rippy Party. Charge $5 to get in and $5 for a meal then you just sit there and play tickets. Have food and sell tickets the whole time. A rippy party is mostly all profit. If we don't want to charge people to come in then we give them $5 in tickets at the door for basket drawing. We can go 1/2 with Legion. Tops for people at upstairs is 150 people. You will have 85 to 90 % profit because you have no overhead but food and drink. We can also do 50/50 tickets. You are not obligated to give money back. Do possible basket raffle at same time. We can also make labels for the basket tickets. Split the cost of food also. Do not advertise for baskets. Discussion was made and decided upon on February 19th from 3-7 PM

Also will do a $500.00 ticket on November 27th called "Bucks for Bucks".
max tickets 200, put 5 numbers on tickets charge $5 per ticket. Aaron to check on the cost of making the tickets and parks will pay. May look into next year and do like Lions Club does. 4 tickets per year.

No other business. Melissa motion to adjourn 2nd by Michelle all in favor motion passed. 8 :00 PM


Patricia Betts
Patricia Betts