This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting opened by Lou McLaughlin, President
Present:, Michael Smith, Gladine McMaster, Sue Bartow, Jeffery Miller
Absent: Keith StClair and Clark Baird, Mayor
General Public : Mellissa Miller and Heidi Speidel
Old Business:
Approval January minutes and Re-Organization minutes
After review it was noted that the name Eckels needs to be corrected in spelling. Jeffery made motion to approve both re-organization and regular minutes, 2nd by Gladine, all in favor motion passed.
Approval of Treasurer Report
After review and correction of spelling of the name Penelec, motion made by Jeffery to approved, 2nd by Lou all in favor motion passed.
Solicitor Report:
Michael stated he was working on the per capita filings and wanted to know if council wanted to add the 2024 per capita names to the list.
Jeffery motioned to add the 2024 per capita to the list, Sue 2nd motion, all in favor motion passed.
I'm still looking into the LSA Grant issue. He has placed several calls into Harrisburg on this and wanted to know if they ever got back to us? It goes straight to voice mail. He was going to contact her supervisor in the morning.
Pat asked council if they wanted to go through with the Ordinance of the Municipal Authority by posting the ordinance proposal in the local paper incase council decides to approve the ordinance.
Jeffery motions to advertise the ordinance, 2nd by Sue, all in favor motion passed.
Michael said he had nothing else to discuss.
Public Comment:
Heidi Speidel brought up about the concern she had for the meeting last month which she said was not posted correctly.
Pat said the meeting was posted at the Post office and in the newspaper, as well as the Borough office correctly however on the web site Pat had posted Tuesday January 6th instead of Monday January 6.
Also John asked Heidi that when spring comes if council would remember to fix his front yard again. The plow when pushing snow had taken some top soil off so it needs fixed and reseeded. Lou said that every spring the Borough goes around and fixes up any properties that got damaged by the plow during the winter months.
Old Business
Update on zero turn
Lou said the zero turn is going next Monday to Pristows in Johnstown to get serviced.
Update on QuickBooks charges.
Pat said she did not get a chance to go to Fairfield and check out their QuickBooks program they have, but I do have the breakdown of costs. QuickBooks itself is $1399, the payroll program is $ 700.00 and the monthly fee per employee is $7. In November they just managed to take the entire amount out all at once which make it look like it is a Hugh cost for the program.
Sue said she talked to a lady at QuickBooks and she told her it was $7 per employee per check.
Sue said she spoke to a Nedelyn Balan from QuickBooks customer service who gave her several prices of QuickBooks on line in the cloud. She said we already paid for it so they would reimburse us for what we did not use.
So Pat stated that according to Sue information that she wants the borough to do QuickBooks on line and in the cloud so it no longer will be on the desk top and you would need your phone to do QuickBooks and if the phone got lost or stolen then anyone can get hold of the program and account.
This is the most unsecure way for the Municipality to go. That is what QuickBooks on line is.
Sue said it would be $1609.20 instead. Sue said I don't know if it is on line or not. That is what the girl said.
Lou jumped in the conversation and said it is a very unsecure system. She also asked me if you are doing track by class. I told her don't know. Sue said that is the cost plus $6 per employee per check per month. I went back thru to 2021 where it was $6. per employee. Sue asked why it kept going up and the lady said it was because it was so much per employee per check per month.
Pat informed Sue that she goes thru 5 employees 2 times per month and we do not get charged $7 per check. We get charged $7 per employee per month not per check.
Jeffery asked again what we currently pay for the program. Pat again told Jeffery the costs. Sue said somewhere it is around $2500 plus $7 per employee. This QuickBooks online is cheaper program.
Gladine said it is unsecured. Jeffery said it is only unsecured if it is opened on an unsecured line.
Lou said Pat will call QuickBooks and have them check and compare the program with what Sue is trying to get us.
No other old business
New Business:
County Borough Association Banquet.
Lou read the letter on the banquet which will take place in April. Pat commented she and Ron used to go the event and we never put an ad in the Association booklet.
Jeffery said he is in favor of passing on this.
Citizens Ambulance Service
Lou read the document from Citizens. A new person has taken over and they are asking for funds to help cover the cost. They would also like citizens from the town to join.
Donegal Construction Corp
Received a letter on street sweeping. Lou contacted Donegal Construction to get cost of sweeper for spring. They asking $225 per hour. Pat checked with the other sweeping company charges and the cost was $1,800 for 12 hours, and Donegal is $1800 for 8 hours. Lou will check close to spring for charges.
Any other business.
Sue wanted to know if we heard anything about the meeting with Keith Vasas.
Pat said the county and Harrisburg is supposed to meet with Lou, Keith, and myself tomorrow afternoon. We are the only ones they have asked to attend. Keith asked for an agenda but never got one. Not sure exactly what they want to talk about.
Sue said Lou asked her to come up to be at the meeting with him and she hasn't heard anything else about it, that is why she was asking..
Jeffery said for what it is worth if they want to talk about a match then he is for it but he also realizes he is just one vote on it. We really need to get the roads done. Lou said he agrees. We are losing the streets more and more.
Jeffery said even if we needed to go into a loan. He would be willing to look into it.
Pat asked about a Penn Vest loan. Jeffery said that would be a way to finance the whole thing. Discussion on the cost was made and this would be something maybe we need to look into.
Sue said if she was home she would come and sit in but she is not going to be here.
Sue also asked if we ever had an ordinance for the tax collector. Pat said there is an ordinance that shows 5% commission on what she collects. Sue wanted to know if there was one when Wanda was tax collector. Pat said Wanda was taking only 4% until I found the ordinance that said she was to get 5% commission.
Sue said I don't mean the commission but on the tax collector period. Jeffery said the tax collector is a position established thru the state borough code. We don't have to do an ordinance to establish the tax collector.
Sue said she was asked about it.
Sue wanted to know about the certifications. Jeffery said the tax certifications. Pat said she has not found any. If we had one it is probably one of the Ordinances or Resolutions that is missing.
Sue asked about since there is new people in town, who would the tax collector see about putting a letter in to each tax that is sent out. Pat and Jeffery said it is up to the tax collector not the borough to do.
Sue also wanted to know if she could get Keith Vasas phone number so she can use at the Sewage meeting next week,
Mayor report
None to provide.
Sewage Report
Meeting next week.
Street Commissioner Report
zero turn going to Pristow's
Received a recall on the truck. Parts not in and will be notified when they come in.
truck has 3,097 miles on it adding to the already makes 3447
Kubota put 84 on it has total 89
zero turn still has 1361
Jeffery asked if the guys put def in the truck. He has a bottle and wants to give to borough. Lou said give to Paul.
Parks & Rec
Mellissa said we are awaiting confirmation from John Kovac concerning the use of the Legion for Comedy night April 12th.
We have our schedule for the year almost complete.
Gladine asked if we are going to have another gun bash for a fund raiser.
Mellissa said not right now.
Lou said one more thing is the hole by Everett's house. He now says he thinks it is the borough problem. He got down in there with the stick.
Lou said it has to be dug up. Lou said there was no pipe going up toward the hole area.
Jeffery asked if we are going to fill with gravel.
Lou said not yet. The hole is not that big, not even a bucket size. When it warms up in the 40's then we will put gravel in it.
If there is no other business to discuss need motion to adjourn.
Jeffery motions to adjourn 7:40 PM, 2nd by Lou all in favor motion passed.
Patricia Betts