


Support of Federal

Revenue Sharing

Continuing Support of Federal Revenue Sharing

A Resolution of the Borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, In support of Continuation of Federal Revenue Sharing

Whereas, Federal Revenue Sharing has been most beneficial to the Boroughs in Pennsylvania, and;

Whereas, Federal Revenue Sharing has enabled Boroughs to assist public safety, improve social services, provide thousands of jobs through municipal construction and improvement projects and to maintain real property taxes at reasonable levels and,

Whereas, Federal Revenue Sharing Funds are provided by the most equitable form of taxation on a national basis primarily in proportion to the income of all citizens, and;

Whereas, in order to maintain and continue the present level of services to the residents of the Borough of Bolivar, it is deemed necessary that the program of Federal Revenue Sharing be continued indefinitely, and;

Now therefore, be it resolved that the Borough of Bolivar hereby resolves as follows:

     1. Congress of the United States is strongly urged to continue indefinitely the program of Federal Revenues sharing which is vital to the needs of our Community.

     2. Any legislation to be considered by the Congress for the continuation of Federal Revenues sharing is specifically endorsed and the concept of Federal Revenue Sharing is enthusiastically supported.

     3. Certified copies of this Resolution shall be directed to the Pennsylvania Senators and Congressmen and to the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs to encourage continuation of Federal Revenue Sharing

Resolved this 6th day of January 1975




Original on file in Ordinance Book page 193