# 001
Setting millage for
Setting the Millage for 1922, for the Borough of Bolivar to provide funds for the redemption of Bonds and general Borough purposes.
Be it ordained and enacted by the Borough of Bolivar, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Authority of the same, in order to provide and enacted by the authority of the same, in order to provide funds for general purposes, that the millage be fixed at 10 (10) mills. In order to provide funds for sinking fund requirements, that there be a levied and collected (5) five mills.
Ordained and enacted into an Ordinance, this sixth (6) day of February AD 1922.
C.W. Hammond
President of Council
J. E Snyder
Chief Burgess
J.E. Robertson
Secretary of Council
Original ordinance on file in ordinance book page 7