


Adoption of Planning

Module for Land


Department of Environmental Resources

At a Special meeting of the Bolivar Borough Council held on August 4, 1983, the following Resolution was adopted.

A Resolution by the Councilmen the facility described on the Planning Module for Land Development confirms the applicable zoning, subdivision, municipal Ordinance, and plan, and to a comprehensive program of pollution control and water quality management.

Resolved, That the Councilmen of the Borough of Bolivar hereby adopt and submit to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval, a revision to the Department of Environmental Resources for its approval; a revision to the "Official Plan" of the municipality the referenced Planning Module for Land Development which is attached hereto. The municipality assures the complete and timely implementation of said plan as required by law. (Section 5, Pennsylvania Sewage Act as amended.)

Adopted and approved this 4th day of August 1983


Florance Bella


Original on file in ordinance book page 230