
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Present: Amy Lickenfelt, Sue Bartow, Clark Baird, Mark Scribe, Solicitor Jeff Miller, and Ron Betts

Absent- Mayor Tom Pickup

Public Attendance - Kathy Bernabo, Dan Short JR, Beth Thompson, Bill Rigby, Melissa Miller

Meeting called to order at 6 PM by Amy.

Parks and Recreation Ordinance was first on the agenda. Amy's first comment was that she reiterated that council already decided in the past several months that council was not going to dictate how parks and recreation would be run. After review of the Ordinance council is making several changes to the Ordinance.
Ron had highlighted possible changes and council is reviewing to decide to approve of the changes or not.
     Page 1 (a) Possible change : The parks and Recreation Board shall have no authority to make any expenditure or incur an expense (above what Parks and Rec board has earned thru fund raising events.
) on behalf of the Borough without prior permission from the borough council.

Pat informed the council after speaking to Jeffery that a yearly budget needs to be established
for Parks. Any funds they earn through fund raisers they can spend without council approval, however if they want to purchase a very large item that exceeds their fund raising and they use the approved budget they must then come to council for approval on the purchased item or items. Amy then understood that it was just like a budget amount that council approved for street commissioner to spend without additional council approval.

Council needs to decide what a budgeted amount is to be put into the parks account. Amy asked prior parks president, Dan Short, who could not actually give an amount. It was suggested by Clark and Mark to set aside $2500.00 yearly for their budget. All council agreed and approved. Jeffery stated you can always raise the amount but can never go below the amount.

     Page 2. item b. At the expiration of any initial member or successive member terms, the successive member shall be (determined by the existing board and approved by the Borough Council) for the members term.

     Page 3. d 2. Add (the parks and recreation board will attend the monthly Borough meeting to inform the Borough of ongoing parks and recreation events.)
     Page 7 and page 8 item d. completely remove the wording ( The Parks and Recreation Board shall provide specific recommendations to the Borough Council for such expenditure of funds. However, the Borough Council will have the final over sight of all expenditures.)
     Page 8. item e. All checks should be made out to Bolivar Borough , and make note in memo section the funds are designated to Parks and Recreation.
Pat questioned the account funds. Parks and Rec Account needs to be separate because Parks chairperson and vice chairperson will be on the account along with the Treasurer.

     Page 8 -7.a 3. Add ( For budgeting purposes.)
Amy asked rest of council for their input on the proposed changes and no-one has anything else to change.

Pat questioned when do we open the bank account and transfer the funded amount of $100 to the account. Jeffery said once council signs off on the Ordinance then the account can be opened. Also the Ordinance needs to be advertised prior to next meeting.

Sue asked about several events parks would like to hold prior to the start of the Parks and Rec Ordinance effective date of January. Clark suggested having the events under the Borough until then. Parks and Rec people are already meeting and talking about what they would like to do.

In January when Borough does their reorganization meeting they also do the Parks Committee.

Public comment. Amy asked if anyone in attendance has a comment. No -one does.
Sue asked council if they had a problem with her daughter and son in law moving the shed across the Borough property to have it taken from the back of the property. Everyone said it was ok.

Next item. Police contract with New Florence.

Amy said she got mauled by the public because this was not voted upon. Her mind is definitely made up now to have this contract approved. Both Beth and Kathy have commented on the speeders and drug addicts in town. Amy asked Mark his opinion, Mark said he is for it, Ron opinion is to move forward also. He understands there is always going to have changes. New Florence and Bolivar will work out any problem that may come up. This is just a start. Sue commented, that this late in the year she doesn't fill it is necessary. She mentioned the cost of the drain problems and repairs, the upcoming lawsuit, the funds transferred back to liquid fuels. She feels we don't need this until spring.

Clark, is against them because he see no reason of having the cruiser stay in New Florence.

Amy motions to go with the police contract with New Florence as outlined in the agreement for 6 months. Mark 2nds. Ron, Mark and Amy agrees. Clark and Sue disagree. Motion passed.

Sewage Authority letter received by Borough on a Tom Pickup's position on the sewage board. He has missed quite a few meetings and has been relieved of his position. The council needs to appoint another person to finish off Tom's term on the sewage board. Council said to advertise locally.

Lear Street drain situation. Open pit was found while cleaning the street. There is a metal plate covering a Hugh hole. Bill showed photos of the problem and said he could fix it and we have the concrete already. Jeffery suggested to speak to PENNDOT whether it is part of state highway or not. Pat will notify in the morning to see when PENNDOT can come out to investigate it.

There is also a problem on Washington Street by Dan Shorts house. That drain is completely clogged and cannot be augured or flushed out. Bill Rigby said he hit something solid. Bill said that drain probably needs to be bided out. Dan says it is like a river when it rains and floods his yard.

Clark motioned to adjourn at 7:15 . Mark 2nd. All approved. Meeting adjourned.


Patricia Betts
