Ordinance # 015
Vacating certain
Portions of Streets
& alleys in Borough
Vacating certain portions of streets, alleys or other public highways within the limits of Bolivar as described below:
Section I. Be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Bolivar and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the same, that the following parts or portions of certain streets, alleys, or other public highways in the Borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania be and the same are hereby vacated to wit:
(1) All that portion of Schaffer Street (being the first street lying northwest of Market Street) lying northeast of the present southwestwardly line of the land of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
(2) All that portion of the certain alley lying between Shaffer Street and Market Street, which aid portion extends north eastwardly of the south westward line of the property of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
(3) All that portion of the first alley lying southeasterly of Market Street, which portion extends northeastwardly from the southwestwardly line of land of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
(4) All that portion of the first alley lying southeastwardly of Lincoln Street, which said portion lies northeastwardly of the production northwestwardly of the southwestwardly boundary line of the land of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which said land extends from Lincoln Street to said alley.
(5) All that potion of Lincoln Street occupied by the southwestwardly wing walls as now constructed of the approach to the arch of the subway where said Lincoln Street passes under the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company together with that portion of said Lincoln Street lying back of said wing walls.
(6) All that portion of McKinley Street which said portion extends northeastwardly of the present southwestwardly line of land of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Section II. That all Ordinances or Resolutions of parts thereof inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Enacted and Ordained this 6th day of June AD. 1927
S. W. Byers
President of Council
J.E. Robertson
Secretary of Council
Approved this 6th day of June AD 1927
J. E Snyder
Chief Burgess
J.E. Robertson
Secretary of Council
Original Ordinance on file in Ordinance book page 47