This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:02 PM
Present: Brittany Miller, Melissa Miller, Jessica Betts, Brittany Hughes
Absent: Ron Betts
Public Attendance: none
Re-Organization meeting positions.
Brittany M- President term expires 12-31-2027
Brittany H V-President term expires 12-31-2024
Melissa M- board member term expires 12-31- 2025
Jessica B - board member term expires 12-31- 2028
Ron B- board member term expires 12-31-2026 * Note Ron resigned for health reasons
Pat B - appointed Secretary. / Treasurer
Approval of Dec meeting minutes.
Motion made to approve Dec minutes made by Jessica 2nd by Mellissa, all in favor motion passed.
Approval of treasurer report for December
After review motion made by Brittany H 2nd by Mellissa to approve Treasurer report
End of year Report
Pat gave everyone the profit and loss report for the entire year of 2024 for everyone to review.
Everything that was taken in and gone out is showing on the report.
Brittany asked if we got the $2500 from Borough. Pat said yes, very next day.
Pat told Mellissa that some of the funds listed as expenses are in the project fund. The total expenses also includes funds that went into the project fund.
Old Business
Letters for sponsorship update
Mellissa said she to start tomorrow on the letters. Pat gave Mellissa 50 stamps and envelopes for her to mail.
Letters for vendors for 2025 Brickfest
Pat said she has started on getting the vendor and wine letters out.
Hoping to have more wine vendors this year.
Mellissa said she will get the list from the church as well. She will probably email the list to you.
Update on zoo for summer event
Mellissa has contract for zoo. Date is June 27th. They coming at 10:30. Event to start 11AM Called the "Wonders of Life". Only charging us $225.00 Mellissa to give Pat invoice. Not due until 2 weeks before event. The event can move indoors If raining they can bring everything into the Borough.
Mellissa recommend to have people sign up in case of inclement weather.
Pat said originally we had zoo coming in July. Now what are we doing in July. Mellissa said she got a call yesterday from a band. The cost is $600. They also do canal days. Band name is Backstage Buffet.
This could be Brickfest 2nd band. Getting to July 20th. Brad Foust is back doing bluegrass Mellissa to find out cost for bluegrass band and if they can do July 20th. $600 or less.
Brittany wanted to know how much we have going out in bands now. Approximately $4,985.00 going out for upcoming bands so far.
Mellissa also mentioned about the cow plop. Are we doing the cow plop or not. After much discussion decision was not to do cow plop this year.
New Business:
Are we doing the gun bash this year and when to hold event.
Mellissa suggested to talk to Legion and have Dusty's band K-4 for an event.
Mellissa also has Hosses day event as a fund raiser. We don't have to be there. We can't sell tickets. We just had out flyers for the event. Jess said they also had a small basket party event to go along with Hosses.
Another event is Del Grosso's we have to do a fund raiser to get them to donate to us. We should do on a Monday. Not a Friday or Saturday because of other organizations doing those days.
We could post on Facebook or have people come in to order during work days for Pat.
Comedy Night
Pat gave everyone a flyer about the comedy show. For 2 comedians cost is $1250 for 3 comedians $1550. (2) If we charge $20 a ticket and sell 120 tickets our profit would be $1150. (3) profit would be $850.00 (2) if we charge $25 a ticket and sell 120 tickets profit would be $1750 (3) profit would be $1450. Looking toward April 12. doors open at 7 PM start time 8 PM.
Pat said we could do simple food stuff and Legion can have the funds from the booze.
Gwen said she thinks capacity is 180. John said it can fit comfortably 100. There is no limit on people it can hold. Neither party knows for sure. So we can do 120 comfortably. Discussion on when to do the comedy show. Mellissa said because we are not doing a gun bash or having the cow plop we are losing around $10,000 that we need to make up. Mellissa to check on April 12 for a comedy show. Decision was to do $25 tickets. Pat to verify on how long the show would be. We could also do Rippy tickets before event starts. Nix the concert in March. Pat to verify time for each comedian.
Mellissa said since we are not doing the cow plop in May we need to do a ticket. It should be a big ticket. Ticket to go off May 25th. $10 @ 500 tickets
Brittany Miller said she does not object to a Gun Bash in November.
Mellissa back to events. June do 2 events. July 20 looking for either K-4 or Brad Foust bluegrass. concert, August Brickfest, Sept movie on 13th, October nothing set. Let's do Oct 25th 4-6 pm . Make sure Misty Haven can do hayrides. Nov looking at Gun Bash Nov 9th
Also discussed a mass mailing for our zip code. covering Hosses Day for parks.
Mellissa would also like for the next meeting to check on magnets listing events .
Pat also mention that Ron has decided to give up his seat on parks. Decision was to post on Facebook for someone to volunteer to be on parks board.
Nothing else to discuss.
Brittany M motions to adjourn, Brittany H , motion at 8:15 PM
Patricia Betts