
Ordinance # 020

Extending Limits of

Town by Annexation


An Ordinance to extend the limits of the Borough of Bolivar in the County of Westmoreland, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by the annexation of all those certain lots, out lots, or sections of land, as herein after particularly described lying and situate in the township of Fairfield, adjacent to the said Borough of Bolivar, and extending the limits, jurisdiction and government of said Borough to include the same.

Whereas, a petition of a majority , both in number and interests of the free hold owners of those certain lots, out lots, or sections of land, as hereinafter described, has been filed with the Town Council of the Borough of Bolivar praying that the same be annexed to the said Borough of Bolivar.

Now therefore, be it ordained and enacted by the Burgess and Town Council, of the Borough of Bolivar, in the County of Westmoreland and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same.

Section I. That all the certain piece or section of land lying adjacent to the said Borough of Bolivar and situate in Fairfield Township, all in the county of Westmoreland and commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to - wit-

a. Beginning at a point in the center of an alley, which alley is in the rear of McKinley Street and which point is at the northerly side of seventh street, thence along the center of said alley, north 34 degrees East, 523.66 feet to a point in the center of fifth street, thence along the center of Walnut St, thence along the center of Walnut Street, north 34 degrees East 543 feet to a point in the center of Third Street, thence through lands north 70 degrees 30 minutes east, 245 feet to a point in an alley, South 24 degrees West 132 feet to a point on the Easterly side of Walnut Street, thence along the Easterly side of Walnut Street, south 34 degrees West 438.66 feet to a point on the Northerly side of Seventh Street thence along the Northerly side of Seventh Street North 56 degrees West 172 feet to the place of beginning, be and the same is hereby admitted to and made to constitute a part of the Borough of Bolivar and that the limits, jurisdiction and government of the said Borough be and are hereby extended to include the same.

Section II. The Burgess and the Secretary of Council, of the said Borough of Bolivar, are authorized and empowered to have prepared and filed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania a plan showing the present boundaries, of the Borough o Bolivar, and also the section admitted thereon, together with the certified copy of the Ordinance and a description of the present boundaries of the Borough of Bolivar, and the boundaries of the Borough of Bolivar as extended, going the courses and distances at length.

Section II. That upon said section of land shall be deemed part of said Borough of Bolivar and subject to its jurisdiction and government.

Section IV. That all Ordinances or parts of the same inconsistent or conflicting with this Ordinance, or any pat thereof be and the same are hereby repealed,

Ordained and enacted by the Town council of the Borough of Bolivar this 6th day of August AD. 1928

P.A. Robinson

President of Council


W. L. Hendericks

Secretary of Council

Examined and Approved this 14th day of August AD 1928

J. E Snyder

Chief Burgess

Original Ordinance on file in Ordinance book page 57 and 58