
Ordinance # 097-2

Establishing Rates

for Copies

Ordinance Establishing Rates for Copies

Whereas, the Borough of Bolivar desires to establish rates for the photocopying of Borough documents requested by citizens of the Commonwealth, and

Whereas the Borough, pursuant to the authorization set forth at 65 P.S. # 66.3, wishes to establish rates which fairly compensate the Borough for time and materials in complying with requests of Commonwealth citizens:

Now therefore, be it ordained and enacted by the Borough of Bolivar, County of Westmoreland, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Article I

Section 1 Right to Know Act

A. The provisions of the Pennsylvania "Right to Know Act" 65 P.S. # 66.2 shall govern all requests for copies of Borough documents within the Borough's possession and control.

B. No documents specifically excluded from the definition of "public documents" under said Act, shall be available for copying

Section 2. Requests for Copies

A. Copies shall be provided to citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania only

B. All individuals requesting copies of any documents shall provide proof of their residence within the Commonwealth , by photo identification or other means reasonably proper and acceptable to the Borough.

C. All requests for copies shall be made in writing, dated and signed, by the requester.

D. The following fees shall apply to all copies.

1. 25 cents per page for all regular copies

2. $2.00 per page for all certified copies, and

3. $1.00 per page for all facsimile copies

E. The Borough as nearly as practical, shall produce all copies requested within three (3) business days, or a statement that said request will not be honored, and the reason therefore.

F. Notwithstanding any provision above, no copies shall be provided until the fee therefore has been paid in full.

Ordained and enacted by the Council of the Borough of Bolivar, a duly advertised and convened meeting, wherein at least a quorum was present and this Ordinance was voted upon and enacted this 7th day of April 1977

Kimberly Sisitki

Council President

Attest: Approved:

Melissa Miller


 Everett W. Saxton


Original Ordinance on file in Vault