


Authorizing Bolivar

to be included in

Solid Waste Plan

Adoption of Solid Waste Plan and authorizing the Westmoreland County Planning Department to include Bolivar Borough in the "Official Solid Waste Plan" for Westmoreland County and its Constituent Municipalities in compliance with Act 241.

Whereas, the General Assembly of Pennsylvania has passed the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act No 241 and it was signed into law by the Governor of the Commonwealth,; and

Whereas, the Department of Health has recommended to the County of Westmoreland that the planning be accomplished at the County level to achieve a coordinated County wide plan by the county Planning Department, and

Whereas, the Westmoreland County Planning Department has prepared the "Official Solid Waste Plan" for Westmoreland County and its Constituent Municipalities for all Boroughs, Cities, and townships in Westmoreland County.

Whereas, the Bolivar Borough has cooperated in the preparation of the "Official Solid Waste Plan" for Westmoreland County and its Constituent Municipalities; and

Whereas, the County Official Waste Plan is consistent with the Solid Waste requirements for feasibility study, if existing or later prepared with total County orientation; and

Whereas, the County Planning Department will include Bolivar Borough in the County wide solid waste plan at no cost to the Borough.

Now therefore, be it resolved that the Borough of Bolivar officially adopts the County wide official plan in accordance with Pennsylvania Act 241; and

Be it further resolved, that the plan prepared for Westmoreland County including Bolivar Borough, having been reviewed by Bolivar Borough Council, may be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department as a part of the "Official Solid Waste Plan" for Westmoreland county and Its Constituent Municipalities.

Resolved in council this 7th day of December 1970

by Frank B Gibson


I do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution Act 241 was duly adopted on December 7, 1970

Signed: James E Lichtenfels,
