March 5, 2020
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Sue Bartow, Council Vice - President at 7 PM.
Present: Sue Bartow, Ron Betts, Lou McLaughlin, Gladine McMaster, Solicitor Jeff Miller
Absent: Mayor Tom Pickup, Clark Baird, President
Public Attendance: Ed Pease, Amy Lickenfelt, Lori Garland, Jessica Betts, Alex Ashcroff-Ligonier Echo , Kim Botteicher, Pam St Clair, Karol Gibbons
Approval of Feb 6 meeting minutes – Ron motions to accept, Lou 2nd, all in favor, motion passed.
Approval of Treasurer Report – Motion to approve made by Gladine, 2nd by Lou. All in favor, motion carried.
Special Guest – Jess Betts, Tax Collector turned over a list of people who still have not paid the 2019 Per Capita tax. It was quoted that after the January meeting she sent out delinquent letters to those 73 people who had not paid along with a copy of the Per Capita Ordinance giving until March 1 to pay. To date we still have 44 people not paying for a total of $220.00 plus $22.00 in late fees which equals $242.00 The 2020 Per Capita tax bills have already gone out and she wanted to know what to do with the remaining unpaid for 2019. List was turned over to Solicitor to review Ordinance and take care of delinquent’s.
Solicitor Report: Jeffery informed us he will no longer be with Leventry, Haschak & Rodkey Firm. He does not at this time have other employment and that he does not know how much longer he will be able to be our Solicitor. He did say he will not leave us high and dry, whatever we would need until a transition takes place. Ron asked if we should start to look for another Solicitor. Jeffery said he would be able to better answer that question next month.
Public Comment:
Kim Botteicher, Brought information and passed out flyers on what goes on at the Community Center in town. She received a call from Amy this past Saturday and asked if Kim would bring down Nar-can to revive someone who overdosed. It came to her attention that no-one really knew how to administer.
The center does Narcan training 2nd Thursday every month at 7 PM. The training class is free. They also have a narcan education class every Tuesday at 7:30. We get Indiana County, and Cambria County all the time. All Narcan is provided and funded by Westmoreland County. We are also doing a CPR Certification and Re-Certification class on Tuesday March 24th 6 PM. This is the only class there is a charge for. Cost is $30.00 and instructor is Bob Rhodes. Program will cover First Aid, CPR for Adults and Infants, Bloodborne Pathogens, AED machine for Adults and Infants and Stop the Bleed training.
The center does Narcan training 2nd Thursday every month at 7 PM. The training class is free. They also have a narcan education class every Tuesday at 7:30. We get Indiana County, and Cambria County all the time. All Narcan is provided and funded by Westmoreland County. We are also doing a CPR Certification and Re-Certification class on Tuesday March 24th 6 PM. This is the only class there is a charge for. Cost is $30.00 and instructor is Bob Rhodes. Program will cover First Aid, CPR for Adults and Infants, Bloodborne Pathogens, AED machine for Adults and Infants and Stop the Bleed training.
Kim’s list of every single day events at the Community Center is
Monday - Smart Recovery 6:30 to 8 PM Contact Pete 724-771-6200 or Center 724-676-2111
Tuesday – Nar-Anon 6 PM Contact – Donna 814-446-5714
Family & Community Education 7:30 PM Contact Kim 724-840-9160
Wednesday – Bible Study 7:00 to 9:00 PM Contact Virginia 724-331-6973
Thursday - Connections Café 6:30 – 8:30 PM contact center at 724-676-2111
Free espresso drinks, and baked good for two hours
Open Mic nights / entertainment
2nd Thursday – Free Narcan Training 7:00 PM. Contact center 724-676-2111
Friday - Acorn Youth Program 6:00 PM 8 PM Contact Virginia 724-331-6973
Drumming Circle Various Days Contact Matt 724-427-9573
Kim explained how the Narcan worked on the individual who was actually dead from the overdose and how the Narcan brought back to life.
Gladine stated it was her understanding that the person should follow up with the Hospital. Kim said the individual is not required to go to Hospital. They can refuse any further treatment. Sue wanted to know how can a person be dead before you bring them back with Narcan? Kim stated it is up to the individual body. Kim information on the medicine was reviewed in detail and advised everyone should attend a meeting on the subject.
Amy wanted to know if anyone on council was going. She had heard that Pat was trying to get Narcan and AED from our EMS person. If you are successful in doing this you really need to know how to use it.
Amy next problem. She called Child services, on a little girl who is 9 with a mentality of a 6 yr old. She has walked into several homes, makes herself at home and you walk into a room and she is there. According to child services they can do nothing about it. The court house told her to talk to your town council. Something is going to happen to this girl. Her dad was looking for her again last night and found her in West Bolivar. He has locks on the door and she still gets out. Lou to call CYS on the issue. Amy and Sue gave name of parent and address where the child lives.
Pam thanked everyone for everything we do. She wanted clarification on a snow plowing issue. The opening to her parking lot was closed by plow and wanted to know what the council would do about it. Ron said he spoke to Donna on the situation. Pam realizes snowplowing is a thankless issue. Lou mention about the Ordinance on snow plowing. His house is on the plow side and he has to go out and shovel. Pam wanted to know about a solution to this issue. She said she paid someone to go out and clean up properly. Neighbors helping neighbors and helping businesses in town.
Old Business
Amendment to Street Opening Ordinance. Lou gave the plan out and Jeffery has now. He proposes to Attach an exhibit showing the standards required by PennDot.
Update on 2019 CDBG funding: Everyone received a copy of the Bid notice to be placed in paper. McCormick Taylor wanted to know if we had any changes to the ad. They want to try to have bid openings at the next meeting in April. Everyone in favor of proceeding with the bid with no changes.
Update on Stump Farm: Mr. Malloy said that HMI should be starting by end of March or by the 2nd week in part of April. He will also ensure we get our next payment in April. Jeffery asked if they submitted a bond to us yet. Pat said no.
Update on lower park security and lighting. Pat said Clark signed the agreement with Beaufort Electric and we gave them 1/3 payment to get started. They are going to order the lights and also contacted Penelec on the old light and pole down there. Sue had a couple questions on the matter. Sue wanted to know if this was part of one of the boat launch area phases. According to the minutes, “we have had many issues from people in town complaining of the drug deals at the lower park.” Sue quoted, “Where are the people who complained about this. Did they come to our Meetings? Pat said for several months people were complaining on the subject, and Amy was one of them. Sue wanted to know where the cameras were going to be located. Pat said only the office will have the monitoring system so if someone was doing something down there it will be recorded and turned over to police. Pat said this was originally going to be in phase three of the project but was suggested by Pittsburgh Foundation through the Wagner Foundation to submit it now rather than wait. Pat also stated that the project was originally set up through the EIP Program when we were under that several years ago and has been in progress since then. This is why it is a Borough issue and not a Parks issue. Sue said who on council said for you to go ahead and apply for a grant on this. No one on council knew about this. Pat said the grant was applied for because of the electrical upgrades for the upper park. Phil Knoch said to include the lower park lighting in the grant also just separately. Pat also said that parks does not have to go through council to apply for grants for the parks. There should have been a discussion with council before this project was done. You came here asking for Council to cover half the cost because the grant was for half the cost. Pat stated that Phil had asked if we could try to get council approval to cover the other half of the cost. This is why it was brought up.
New Business: Next meeting April 2, 7 PM
Bridge cleaning of drain on Fairfield TWP. Side. By the 2nd week in April they would be trying to start the cleaning of the drains there to open back up
2018 Edition of Borough Code Book. Books are in. Copies are $12.00 Lou paid his tonight.
Request for reimbursement for street broom. Ron purchased an actual street broom from Bergman’s for Greg to clean sweep the streets. Asking for reimbursement of $21.98 Sue motions to pay for broom Lou 2nds, all in favor motion passed.
Purchase small shrubs and gravel for front of ATM machine and flag area. Pat wanted to know if council wanted her to ask if Somerset would be willing to go in half the cost for shrubs and gravel. Jeffery thought it was part of the agreement for them to do this when the weather broke.
Liquid fuels came in at $20,368.78 and has been put into the account for streets.
Penndot traffic counter from March 9 thru June 25th. Street chosen by PennDot is between 3rd and 5th St at Lincoln.
Governor’s proposal if passed effective July 1, State Police fees “Bolivar Cost” $15.04 per person for total of $6.586.05
Police car sale: Clark wanted to wait until this meeting before placing ad in paper. He had several items that needed to be discussed before the ad. Terms of bid, date and time for bid openings, when can the vehicle be viewed and at what location. Also needs a battery to be able to move. What
equipment items needs to come out that does not belong to Borough or County. Will not hold charge again. Sue motions to get a new battery from auto zone up to $125.00 Gladine 2nd, all in favor motion carried. Also to get inspection for car. Jeffery to do bid notice and get to Pat. Sue mentioned to have bids opened at next meeting. Discussion was made to have bids opened in the May meeting since the CDBG bid openings are scheduled to be opened in April meeting.
Stormwater Ordinance under Act 167. The state is telling us we need to pass an Ordinance before August on the Stormwater issues. It manages stormwater problems within storm sewers. Pat , Ron, Gladine and Keith are going to meeting on this.
What account does council want to use for payment of engineer invoice. Decision was made to pay invoices from the timber account.
Any other business:
Somerset Trust is requesting approval to have a grand opening of the ATM machine on March 24th from 10 to 2 PM. They will have a tent set up and have beverages, and snacks, and prizes to give out. They also would like to know if they needed could they use the empty lot across from the office for the tent. Sue said it was ok.
Also Mr. Rennie, was not helpful in audit of DCED for borough. Pat to try to help Singer Accounting to breakdown certain tracts of information that Mr. Rennie had used on the report.
No other business.
Sewage Report: Next meeting is March 11
Mayor report: Nothing
Street Commissioner Report. Ron said the skidsteer needs a new rim. Several sites were looked into. Cost is $95.81 from e-bay, Groff Tractor $257.58. And Midwest Equipment $95.81 including shipping. Sue motions to purchase thru Midwest, Gladine 2nds, all in favor motion passed. Truck added 48 miles in February and used 32 gallons gas.
Greg needs portable grinder to take stop signs apart in order to fix and or replace them. The bolts will not come off. Lou approved up to $100 to get tool and battery Sue 2nd. All in favor motion passed.
Parks & Rec.
Melissa spoke on behalf of parks. Carpenter union is working to put steps alongside of the side at upper- park. Parks to pay for supplies. She also working on new playground equipment for there.
Lower park, looking into applying for grant to cover new walking tract, upgrade on tennis court, basket ball court, playground, and installing water park. New requirements with DCNR and DCED for grants now require an engineer to draw up plans and costs. Request Borough budget next year for engineer fees for this project of at least $2500.00
No other business, 8:45 PM Sue motions to close, Lou 2nd. Motion carried.
Patricia Betts