April 18



This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Present: Beth Thompson, Pat Betts, Ron Betts, Pam St Clair
Absent- Melissa Miller, Aaron Bouch
Public Attendance Sue Bartow, Joe St Clair, Jessica Betts

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Beth Thompson

Motion to approve March minutes was made by Beth, 2nd by Ben with correction on next month’s meeting date. All in favor. Motion passed.

Approval of Treasurer Report made by Beth, Ben 2nd, motion approved.

Update on events:
First item. Petting Zoo. Update. May 19th next to the Legion. 10-5 PM.
Pam questioned if we were going to have a rain date. No one asked that question. Discussion was made on subject- decision was made to wait until closer to date and watch weather. Pam stated she also sent the money to cover the cost of the zebra and camel total of $350.00 plus sent additional funds as donation. Joel has the water, road closure is already done. Pat stated she is under the assumption that since Parks is now under the Borough we fall under the insurance for events we put on.

Pat stated she already has an additional $400 to cover the cost of the zoo from several businesses. Pat questioned who was going to distribute flyers in West bolivar and Robinson?

Pam said she will do West Bolivar, Beth to do Robinson.
Minor issue with Legion Auxiliary. They state they were never asked to do anything. Pat stated she has copies of two letters that were sent directly to Auxiliary. Lamantia to do chips, water, gobs, and candies. Fire Dept doing subs, and drinks. We have a table to do pizza sales.

Pat said she got the approval from Legion to use their parking area. Also we will do strip tickets rather than Basket Party because of conflict with Auxiliary just having one on the 12th. We will use table and chairs from Legion.

Pam brought in the information on the pretzel fundraiser. Approval was made and check given to Pam to cover cost of the pretzels. 2 boxes were ordered for cost of $100. We pay $1.00 and sell for $2.
Decision on time to start set up. 7 AM to start. Pat stated 2 port-a-johns are to be delivered Friday evening and they already know where to set them up.

Corn- Hole contest has been rescheduled. Beth to check on a date. Beth, and Ben will not be there for the 19th.
We need volunteers to help out on different events- bouncy house, face painting, selling strip tickets, and manning the information and sign up table for pizza selling and YMCA event.

Beth said she would check with K & K and Amanda who does the catering business if they would do hot dogs. Sue gave Beth phone number to check.
Beth to check with John for a date in June to have corn hole contest for adults.

Joe asked if we heard from the Mason’s on a donation. Beth said not yet.
Ron spoke up and said he needed bug killer for the parks to kill the fleas, ticks, and bugs. He fixed the sprayer that the Borough has and he will use it to apply. Will put spray on Lowes account and parks will reimburse Borough for this. Sue brought up tractor supply about possible donating spray. Pam spoke up about 84 lumber about being generous also. Conversation was transformed into the stage area repairs. Ron said he could wrap posts and cement them rather than replacing them. Beth wanted Pat to write to IRMC and see if they would repair the stage. Sue said to send to Steve Wolf, CEO of IRMC.

Pat said she received a call from a Marlene Flickinger. She wanted to purchase a bench from the park. Pat said she would have to check with White's Concrete on this. She has no forms with the information on it. Ben said he was told they no longer are making the forms. Pat to contact Mr. White and ask.
Flag pole light fixture was brought up again. Talked about but no action was taken.
Jess asked if she could add someone to the list for selling pizza coupons. She wanted to add Tracy from the Legion to the list. Beth said that would be fine but she herself hasn't even tried to sell any yet.

Next meeting May 16, 7 PM
Beth asked if any other business to discuss?
Motion to adjourn 8:20 PM made by Ron, Ben 2nd  All approved.
Motion passed.


Patricia Betts