This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting opened by Lou McLaughlin, President at 7 pm.
Ron Betts, Keith St Clair, Sue Bartow, Lou McLaughlin, Jeffery Miller, Clark Baird- Mayor, Note: Gladine McMaster arrived 7:15 PM
Absent: none
Gen Public, Zach Burtop, Cassandra Burtop, Mellissa Miller, Brittany Miller, Beth Thompson, Paul Bernabo, Paul Hall JR
Old Business:
Approval of April minutes
Motion made by Keith to accept minutes, 2nd by Sue, all in favor motion passed with no nays.
Approval of Treasurer Report
Motion to approve made by Sue 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion passed with no nays.
Solicitor Report: Jeffery stated he has nothing to report.
Public Comment.
Brittany Miller requesting council to allow during Brick Fest to vendors who wish to taste test and sell different types of alcohol such as wines or wine coolers. Sue states that we did not have alcohol on the premises before and Jeffery checked into it and he said no.
Jeffery said he is sure our policy does not cover alcohol on the premises and this is why we had it at the Legion. Whether it could be covered in another way, such as the vendor’s are required to have insurance of their own but not sure if that would be enough for our carrier.
Lou said he has no problem with it but we really need to check with our carrier first. The Mayor, said at any given time the whole entire upper street has alcohol in their coolers and people drinking beer.
Mellissa said they are going to have samples and people could purchase from them. They are doing this in Ligonier, Blairsville. We are only sponsoring the vendor’s not selling the alcohol. Mellissa said if we called the insurance company and they say we are covered would you give us permission to allow alcohol vendors come in. Jeffery asked everyone the question of would council allow this if the insurance carrier has no problem with it. No sense in doing all the checking if council will not approve in the end. Lou asked each person their opinion.
Lou motioned contingent upon approval from insurance company who is for allowing alcohol vendors at park for Brick Fest Ron 2nd motion, Gladine said yes will allow. Sue, no, Ron yes, Keith no, Lou yes. Sue stated if Jeffery contacted the insurance company and they agree the she will go along with it also. She stated the last time this came up at one of our meetings the information was
mis - represented. Sue said when the school board gave the property to the community it was not supposed to be used for such things.
Mellissa said she would like permission from the Borough to place a plastic recycle box in the borough so we can get free benches for the park. People can still put the plastic on her porch and Brittany’s porch but she needs a place to store the plastic until she can get to recycle place.
Sue motions to put box in borough, 2nd by Keith, all in favor motion passed with no nays.
Beth, Paul, Zach, and Mrs. Zach all said no other comments.
Update on easement rights for Cunningham property.
Jeffery said he took documents to county to register. County stated Bill Cunningham signature was not properly notarized we needed a raised seal from notary for Mr. Cunningham. Pat gave to Jeffery a new signed document with Notary seal on the paper. Jeffery to retry again to register with county. He stated he also is satisfied that the document even if the county does not file.
Update on find another solicitor.
Pat said Westmoreland County Bar Association has a Facebook page which they are placing an ad in. they also have a bi-monthly newsletter which is going out this upcoming week. They are putting an ad in this paper. Will cost the Borough $35.00.
Also contact Indiana County Bar Association. Found out that Mike Supinka is no longer President but got the new President’s name. Stan Dagori. Contacted him. They have no newsletter but is having his secretary send a mass email to all members of the Bar with the information of seeking a solicitor for Bolivar.
Pat also asked that when she does get someone are we going to have a special meeting on the applicant or are we waiting for another monthly meeting to discuss.
Lou said we could have a special meeting so our current solicitor does not have to keep coming.
Clark asked who our solicitor was before him. It was a small guy according to Clark. Jeffery said it was Kim Houser. We called him and he is retiring.
Update on Curry & Kepple finishing 5th Street project.
Lou said they poured the sidewalks and saw cut. Ed was down yesterday measuring for asphalt to pave everything. We had a meeting with our engineers, and Ed. He has a dead line to get it done. He will try to get here when he can to put an overlay on the road. Pat said she pulled out the extension the county gave. Phase 1 is until end of June and Phase 2 is end of August. Paul asked if they were also going to take care of the large ruts that the lower park.
No other old business
New Business:
Request approval to purchase a 3 ton floor jack for Borough
Pat got 3 different bids
Lowes – has Craftsman 3 Ton with Jack stands for $184.00
Tractor Supply- has Dayton 3 ton by itself for $189.99 with jack stands additional $99.99 total $289.98
Harbor Freight – has 3 ton Automotive Floor Jack for $159.99 with stands $59.99 total $219.98
Note that Tractor Supply and Harbor Freight do not carry Craftsman products.
Paul said we need stands for lawn mower, raising plow blades and so forth.
Keith motions to approve to get from Lowes, Lou 2nds, all in favor motion passed, no nays
Request for backpack blower for Boro Worker
Pat got 3 different bids
Pristow’s has BR600 for $503.99
Lowes has Husqvarna BR 570 for $589.00
Tractor Supply also has Husqvarna BR 570 for $589.99 - they have 14 to 28 days for delivery
Keith said he does not like Husqvarna. Said to check with Andrews in Ligonier and Sue said Debnar’s. They both carry Stihl products.
Keith motions to get Stihl BR 600 2nd by Sue and go with which ever store is cheapest, Andrews Sales and Service, Debnar’s, or Pristow’s. Jeffery said traditionally they have sales on Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Zach asked what happened to the leaf blower we have down there. Paul said it is pretty beat up and the switch is bad. All in favor, motion passed and no nays.
Budget $2,000 for firemen’s insurance. Is it ok to pay?
Sue motions to pay, 2nd by Lou all in favor motion passed with no nays.
Request approval to purchase a small trailer for lawn mower travel and trash pickup.
Lou said we need to figure what we are going to pull this with. Not sure if the Kubota or the zero turn has a hitch on it. Sue said to Lou to get the model number and call Pristow’s or Debnar’s Pat said the truck does have one. Lou said with the truck you will not be able to see the trailer to back up.
Paul said he still has no place to put the weed wacker, gas, and other stuff. Right now he puts the lawn mower in the bucket of Kubota then comes down to get the zero turn, then comes and get the weed wacker and other tools needed with the truck. Paul was looking at the back of the truck for the type of hitch on it. The size of the trailer is a 5 x 8 for $998.00
Lou said to call Pristow’s to see if there is a hitch already on the Kubota or if we could get a hitch attachment for the zero turn.
Lou and Keith said to wait until we find out about the hitches before we make a decision on the purchase of a trailer
Firemen’s carnival request.
They are requesting to close ally from Market Street to Shaffer Street from Sunday July 9 thru Sunday July 16.
Close alleys between Market & Shaffer from 2nd to 3rd Street to property line at Ed Eckel’s Property and old Simpson Service Station property from Friday July 7th to Sunday July 16th.
Have fireworks display on Saturday July 15th approximately 11 PM. At the lower ball field in Kelly Park.
Also seek assistance to get the PENNDOT parade permit for the parade on July 14th.
Sue motions to close the streets & allow fireworks, 2nd by Keith. All in favor motion passed no nays.
Pat said both Lou and Clark must sign the document for approval for the fire company.
Parks June concert road closure request.
Mellissa requesting to close Lincoln Street from 3th to 5th for the Polka Fest. Gladine motions to close for the event on June 11th, Keith 2nd, all in favor motion passed no nays.
Cost of tree services for parks. – Mellissa
Mellissa said parks voted to try to get a grant through Ligonier Endowment to cover the cost of the tree service. We also are going to the Wagner Foundation.
Any other business:
Lou said the tree by the Café is rotten and Paul is getting power from Mellissa Store to cut it down. The wires which are through the tree are not power lines. They are telephone and cable lines. We will use the pole saw to cut it down.
Paul also asked about the road by Zach’s house. Is it going to get asphalted? Lou said Bill never gave us a bid on that. He was hoping any excess asphalt that Curry and Kepple had they could put on it as well.
Lou said they normally try not to have any extra but he will talk to Ed about it.
Any other new or old business?
None to report
Mayor report:
Said he talked to Connie Burkett about her truck parked on the street and not valid. She now has moved to back yard.
Also Dutch property. Who is responsible for the yard maintenance, the Realty Company or Dutch?
Jeffery said bottom line is it is still the owner’s responsibility. Now if he has an agreement with the Realty Company and they are not keeping up to their agreement then he can go back on the company and sue them.
Couple other places that have high grass but we have had so much rain the owners need a chance to get the grass cut.
He also wanted to know who called PSAB about him getting paid for being a Code Enforcement Officer. Who did that? Pat said, someone called because they called me and asked about it. Pat said she sent them a copy of the Ordinance and said council appointed Clark as Code Enforcement Officer which makes him an employee of the Borough. He is also still Mayor. They said since he is holding both position and they have a copy of the Ordinance they will put in his file and everything is ok.
Sewage Report
Zach said meeting next Wednesday. All public is welcome. Meeting at 6:30 PM at sewage plant.
Street Commissioner Report
Ron said put 60 miles on truck this past month. 13 hours on zero turn and put 2 ½ gallons gas in zero turn. Fixed the fuel pump again. Paul was having trouble with pump shutting off again.
Parks & Rec
Mellissa requesting permission to use Borough building during the summer months when weather is bad for different craft classes that parks have. Sue motions to give permission 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion passed, no nays.
Any other business:
Lou read a letter from Westmoreland County Borough Association Meeting notice for May 25th at the conservation district. Dinner and meeting. (Free to us)
Program is on: Hazardous Material Response to a train derailment. Speaker Chris Tantlinger- the County Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator.
Also Highridge gave us an annual water report.
Zach asked if we had any cold patch at Quonset hut. We are getting a fairly decent hole at the beginning of 4th and Lincoln Street. Lou said we need to get cold patch to fix the holes.
Pat said she was coming down 2nd Street by Lichtenfels at Crabapple Lane. The water was pouring out of the middle of the alley and running down through the storm drain. Pat said for Mr. Lichtenfels to call Highridge to verify whether it is a water leak or run off from natural spring.
Mellissa checked with someone and they said it was just considered surface water.
Motion made to adjourn meeting at 7:50 PM by Sue, 2nd by Lou all in favor motion passed.
Patricia Betts