June 20,2024

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:30 pm

Present:  Brittany Miller, Melissa Miller, Jessica Betts,  Ron Betts, Larry Lute

Absent:   Everett Saxton, Brittany Hughes

Public Attendance:  none

Approval of May meeting minutes.

Motion made to approve May minutes made by Jessica, 2nd by Mellissa, All in favor, motion passed.

Approval of treasurer report for May and part of June

 Pat said as of today the check book has $6,031.61 and project fund has $26,704.24.  Pat said funds not assigned to anything yet total $7,025.01, upper park fund $10,166.42, lower park $3,913.76,  events $5,416.00,  J LaMantia $150.00.  Combined totals are $ 32,735.85 

Motion made by Brittany to accept treasurer report, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed. 

Old Business

Update on any grants:

Brittany has not heard from Erie Yet.  Still only have 1 bid from lower park pavilion.  Received a text from PA State grant.  They have started the merchandise sale which is 1/3 of project.  2nd part for foundation.  They expect and hope to have all funds raised by December  no later than February.

Update on Vendor letters for Brickfest

Pat said she  emailed notices to vendor's from last year whom she had not heard back from.  Pat said we currently have 13 vendors confirmed.

Book sales. 

 Mellissa said she has 46 definite and no doubt will have 50 by July 10 deadline .  If ordered before July 26th will have for Brickfest. 

Update on ornaments

Brittany ordered 100 ornaments last night and should take about 2 weeks to get them.  Will sell for $15 each.

Update on Andy Pahach plaque.

Brittany said when the 2 signs are made the company will come down and put them up for us. 

Any other old business to discuss.

Mellissa asked about the tractor pull.  They unable to do this year.  We also did not book the bubble lady.  So we don't really have anything for the kids other than the bouncy houses. 

New Business:

 Bids for brick replacement for basketball court

Received a bid from Parrish Concrete to replace the improper placement that was done.  For them to fix it will cost us $6,000.  This includes digging out the dirt around the basketball court to pour footers and troughs.  Forms will be set and concrete will be poured.  After the concrete is finished and sealed, the bricks will be laid in the troughs and secured with mortar.  Topsoil will be backfilled and seeded up to concrete.  Any additional landscaping disrupted during construction will be fixed at no additional cost. 

All other phone bids, no one would commit to replacing someone else's mess up.

Discussion was determined that we really need to have it done correctly and motion made by Mellissa to pay Parrish Concrete, 2nd by Jess. All approved.

Basket for Brickfest

Everyone agreed we need to start pushing baskets and donations for this event.  We have several already and still need to  distribute more flyers. 

Car Dash plaques for brickfest

Pat said they are on order.  We are getting 75 dash plaques this year and the 4 class awards and best of show award.  This  year we are doing a kids under 13 award.  It doesn't matter what class, the kids get to chose which vehicle they like the most.  The award was showed to everyone at meeting.   Total cost of everything this year is $152.45

Tents for Brickfest

Pat ordered and received 2  10 x 30 easy popup tents for parks. total cost $550.37.  We will not be lending them out. 

Food for June 23 and July 21 concerts.

Decision was to have nachos and cheese, hot dogs, pizza and ham barbeque. Mellissa to also get additional hug jugs.

Little Blessing Petting Zoo for Brickfest

Pat called the company and they said they no longer do weekend events.  They will do only week day events to try to build up their business.

Little Train for Brickfest

 After discussion board said to try to contact Mike Gigliotti and ask him to work with us for a 2 hour period.    He did not answer the phone night of meeting so Pat to contact him next day. 

Walkie-talkies for Brickfest and other uses for parks

Pat showed flyers to everyone to review.  We had 4 walkie- talkies last year and found them to be very useful but wasn't enough.  Everyone agreed to order 10 for a cost of $$95 plus change.  This way everyone can have one to use when needed .Motion to order made by Brittany, 2nd by Jess, all in favor motion passed.

Order for Bricktoss shirts

Mellissa said she has how many needed at the park.  She will confirmed on Sunday during concert, then order. 

Any other Business?

John Kovac stopped by and said there is a swing at the lower park that is broken, and also there is ant hills down there that needs to be gotten rid of. 

Bricktoss during brickfest was discussed as to the time frame this year because of the concert change.

We will have sign up starting at 1 pm . Bricktoss itself will run from 2 to 5 PM. 

Baskets will be pulled and winners announced at 7 PM when 2nd band has completed.

Nothing else to discuss, meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.


Patricia Betts
