This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Clark Baird President at 7 PM
Present: Clark Baird, Ron Betts- arrived late, Sue Bartow, Calin Gropp, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Lou McLaughlin
Absent: Mayor, Tom Pickup
Public Attendance – MS. Ashcroft - Ligonier Echo, Dan Short, JR, Melissa Miller, Keith Vasas - CME Engineer Group, Pam & Joe StClair
Approval Oct 3 regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve made by Calin, 2nd by Sue. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval - Oct 10 special meeting minutes . Motion to approve made by Calin, 2nd by Lou. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval Oct 15 - conference call meeting on cell tower service in Bolivar. Motion to approve made by Sue, 2nd by Clark. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Treasurer Report.
Sue questioned what PURTA funds deposit was for. Pat explained this is from the utility companies that are in town. We receive this yearly. Clark asked what Black Knight service was on the Treasurer report. Pat explained this was a company requesting tax clearance on a property in Bolivar which is being sold. Motion to approve treasurer report made by Sue, 2nd by Lou.
All in favor, motion carried.
Solicitors Report. Update on Comcast. Pat asked Jeffery how long we were carrying an expired contract with them. Jeffery said indefinitely for now, but he is recommending us to sign the contract they originally sent us. We are expanding the definition of gross receipts so we should see an increase on the franchise fees.
Update on storm water project - Keith Vasas- CME Engineering.
Keith gave us information from DCED , whom he is communicating with for the grant money. Next meeting you will have to do a Resolution to request funds and a letter to commit matching funds for the project. He broke down 2 numbers - Phase 1 up to $500,000. Phase 2 up to $1,800.000.00
If project is not funded 100% from a combination of grant programs the cost to the Borough would be 15% match which is $75,000 of a $500,000 project. If we apply and receive both then there would be no cost to the Borough. This includes curbing, piping, and storm inlets as well.
Eligible use of funds includes land, right-of-way, and easements., planning letter, politician support- already working with Jordan Frei from Representative Mike Reese office. Also $100 non-refundable application fee, ownership letter and submit "PA single application for assistance". We also need for each grant application, provide amount for Resolution and commitment of funds. All this before deadline of December 13, 2019.
We can also use CDBG funds to help with funding. There are several CDBG grant funds. Keith said he will do as many Grant applications as he can without additional help from Aspire Grant Services. We only use them with very complicated Grants that we might or may have to use. The flyer provided explains their program and scope of services.
Jeffery suggested to go ahead and make the applications for the Borough. Let's try to apply for the entire amount of the H2O grant first since it has been 10 years from last offering, then apply with the Small Water and Sewage Program.
Public Comment.
Pam StClair. - I have 2 things. Pam just wants us to know that she put in a request for an ATM machine to go into LaMantia store. It takes an act of Congress to get one from First National Bank. The 2nd thing is an update on the water issue at her property. Frank and Charlie worked on it and was up against very hard rock down there and just could not get it to budge. They have hired a construction company to come in that does this all the time and bringing their own equipment to be able to take out the hug stone. Then the funding part of this all, when she gets it done and see just what the amount is and whether they are going to ask for any funds from the Borough. Jeffery questioned the right-of-way documents but needs to know what property will the right- of-way document be on. Discussion was made and said make out to 552 Market St. Jeffery completed the right-of-way document and copied onto the Borough flash drive to print out for Pam and Joe to sign.
Approval of tax increase Ordinance by 2 mils.
Council needs to pass the preliminary budget and then Pat can advertise in the paper for the signing of the Ordinance in December meeting. Need to approve the tentative 2020 budget tonight. Motion made by Sue, 2nd by Lou. All in favor. Motion passed.
Update on drain issue on 2nd and McKinley. Pat said Bill went to LB Water to pick up the pipes for the project. He was declined because the Borough does not have an account set up. They sent Borough an application for us to set up an account with them. How much line of credit are we asking for? Sue and Lou both said $20,000. Authorized users for the account will be Lou McLaughlin, Sue Bartow, Ron Betts, Bill Hughes and Tim Houck. Motion to accept and apply for $20,000 line of credit for LB Water was made by Lou, Calin 2nd. All in favor, motion passed.
Amendment to Street Opening Ordinance. Jeffery said whatever technical specification we want for the Ordinance get to him because he knows nothing about this. Jeffery not opposed to changing it but needs to know what actually needs to be changed. Lou said he will look into it and get back to Jeffery.
ATM Contract with Somerset Bank. Pat gave everyone a copy of the changes that was questionable from the last possible contract agreement. Jeffery said all changes were done and he suggests to go ahead and sign. The permits have been submitted and the ATM machine is in and being put together at this time. Lou motion to accept, 2nd by Calin. All in favor, motion passed. Pat to correct the contract to reflect November 7th date of signage.
Update on the 4th & Walnut St dirt and gravel project. Lou said PA One Call was done but they only need to know who owns the property up there and how wide the street opening is. Pat said the Borough owns it. It is called the fourth street extension.
Update on 2019 CDBG. - Pat received an agreement from the County on the project which was approved in the October meeting with the county. We need to sign off on the contracts and send back to them.
Update on the ditch line between arches submitted to Penn Dot back in July. Pat said they did complete the project on October 30th. Penn Dot cleaned out the ditch and drain so the flooding should stop.
Update on EMS backup service. Jeffery said a meeting was taking place this evening. Several providers were being interviewed. Several municipalities were going to meet to see who would be able to provide services to New Florence. We still have Citizens here as a main EMS service, however, we do not have a backup if Citizens is already out on a call. New Florence has no one at this time.
New Business:
CD Maturity - Do we keep the CD at the current rate which is expected to drop to .15% or do we change to the only current CD that is out there which is 1.65 % for 15 months. Sue motions to change to 15month CD at 1.65%, Ron 2nd. All in favor, motion passed.
Sue wanted to know about the other two CD's that are coming due. Pat said we have to wait until they mature, then we have 10 days after to decide what to do with them. We can do this at our January meeting since we have time then to decide.
Timbering sale prospectus. Pat received a prospectus on this and was told the ad would go out yesterday. Jeffery said sealed bids cannot go out by fax, or email. He also cannot accept bids up to 7 PM on Dec 5th if we are to be opening the bids at 7 PM and he is going to be here. He will need to correct the prospectus. Pat to send out request in the morning. We to open bids in December meeting.
PSAB Resolution on Storm water facilities on state highways. Pat received a request for the Borough to pass a Resolution and send to our State Representative's to push to approve. Both the House Bill # 1775 and the Senate Bill # 101 state that Penn Dot will be responsible for both above and below the roads on state roads on all storm water and drain issues with a population of under 2500 in Towns, Municipalities, and Boroughs. Everyone has a copy with them. Motion made to pass the Resolutions for the storm water and sewage systems was made by Ron, 2nd by Sue. All in favor, motion passed.
Any other new business. Pat said she has another item that came in this afternoon. Document is from "Young Lungs at Play" policy which came from Penn State Extension. The signs will go up at both parks letting people know this is a smoke and tobacco free zone. They will make up and send us the signage to be placed at both parks. Ron makes motion to sign off on the document, 2nd by Calin. All in favor, motion passed.
Clark asked if there was any other business to discuss. No one commented.
Sewage Report: Meeting coming up next week.
Mayor Report: Nothing
Street Commissioner Report: Ron said we put 138.3 miles on truck, put 40 gallons of gas in truck. He ordered gas on November 4th, so we have for the winter. Tank almost empty. the gauge on tank still not working. He thinks the batteries no good but not sure. He to have Ron JR look at it to be safe.
Ron also request to get 22 tons of gravel for the Quonset hut. He to try to get from Harper. Price per ton is approx $18. per ton. Clark motions to approve up to $500 for gravel, Calin 2nds. All in favor, motion passed.
Also we need street signs, for the intersections. We are replacing the missing signs. We need 68 signs and a sign for Graveyard and Lincoln St. Sue wanted to know why we need signs at each intersection. Pam made comment a woman was lost for over two hours because the street signs were missing. Sue motions to spend up to $650 on street signs, Clark 2nds, as long as it comes out of Liquid Fuels funds. All in favor, motion passed. Lou asked if we already have the posts. Ron said yes we do and also the clips.
Parks & Recreations
Pat said we have 11 Christmas wreaths to put up along Market Street and in front of Lamantia's and Brickyard Cafe. Both Pam and Melissa are purchasing their own wreaths for their businesses. Parks is paying for the wreaths and putting up. No cost to the Borough.
We also are starting the Home Town Hero Banners. The Bolivar Legion is going along with Parks on this project. The cost will be $150 per banner. People will also be able to make 3 monthly installments of $50 per month for 3 months. The banners will be ordered in mid April and will be put up before Memorial Day in May. Banners will stay up year around.
Clark wanted to know if we had any other business to discuss.
Motion to adjourn was made by Calin, 2nd by Lou. All in favor, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Patricia Betts