
May 21 2020




This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Present Pat Betts, Ron Betts, Melissa Miller, Aaron Bouch, Michelle Bouch, Pam StClair

Absent: Beth Thompson

Meeting called to order 7:00 PM by Aaron.

Motion to approve minutes from February, March, and April was made by Melissa, 2nd by Michelle. All in favor, motion passed.

Motion made to approve February, March, April, treasurer report. Melissa asked about our share of profits for banners. Pat explained that 47 banners were ordered for total of $7,050.00 of which $6,130.18 was for the cost of the banners. Total share from that amount was $919.82 which ½ went to American Legion in the amount of $459.91 and our share was put into parks general usage account. The remaining balance of funds in the banner program are for banners not yet made. Motion was then made by Ron, 2nd by Melissa to approve treasurer report. All in favor motion passed.

Old Business:

Aaron first concern was on the concert for May 31. He was concerned about having more than 25 people at one time. There was no amount of people per size of the gathering just that no more than 25 people.

Update letters to sponsors. Melissa said Sheetz did ask if we were still doing the Brickfest. She had asked them to be the Grand Sponsor. She said we cannot go directly to the stores any more. You need to send to Corporate.

Update on Hometown Hero's Banner Program. Pat said we have another 12 banners to go out and awaiting additional banner forms to come in. Pat said she needs to have all monies in no later than June 3 to get all application out for production and come back in time to go up for July 4th Weekend.

Update on pizza coupons. Pat said we have only sold 16 coupons since we all have been in lockdown. Now that we are in the yellow we can go door to door to sell coupons and hand out flyers on upcoming events. Michelle asked about the cost this time. Pat said this year they are two toppings on a large pizza for the $12.00 for a savings of $3.00 Last year you could only get 1 topping for the $12.00

New Business:

Next Meeting schedules for June 17, 7 PM

Supplies for upper parks. Pat said over the course of the past two months several items have come up which needed attention. Lumber for park sign, and replacement bench, new light fixture for concession stand, (the other had a burnt out sensor), paint and stain for the benches. We already painted the wrought iron benches and in the process of staining the other benches. We also had to replace the light at the stage area which was burnt out. The flag needed a new clip which broke. Need approval for the supplies that were purchased. Aaron motion to approve all items needed the past several months to fix park items, Melissa 2nd, all in favor motion passed.

Menu for Concert. Discussion was made on how to do hot dogs, and other food items to sell. Pat suggested to have just one person to do hot dogs, one person to do pizza, one person to do drinks, and one person to do money. This way no one is handling multiple items. It was decided to do pizza
and nachos. Melissa said she just thinks more people will be coming because they are tired of being cooped up. Aaron said that was his big concern. We are still under the state mandate of more than 25 people at a gathering. Melissa said we are outside. Our solicitor even said from the council meeting
that he did not see any issue in having the concert. More discussion was made by Aaron who said he was not aware we were having it until the signs went up. Aaron said he is not saying it is a good idea and it is not a bad idea. He likes the idea of having a concert and he knows there are people in town
who hates Parks and Recreation and what they do. Aaron said nothing will be done until someone complains, then the cops will come in and close down
the event. He just went through this with “small games of chance.” No one is enforcing until the police get a complaint. If you have a gathering of over 25 people. They will break up and fine the Organization that puts it on. Aaron does not want to vote either way. He is just voicing his concern. He is good
either way. He will probably be there on Sunday. Aaron said the Farmer’s Market in Ligonier is a drive thru market only. People will have to stay in their
cars and have the food dropped off. This is speculation. It’s going to be a nightmare. Melissa said she will make some contacts tomorrow and let everyone know. Hopefully we can get a reply. The concert in June 14, will also have to be decided on. If we get the ok for the May 31 concert t
hen we will be ok for June 14th concert. It was decided to have pizza and nachos, chips, soda, water. This way you won’t have to deal with condiments. Melissa said she will pick-up the food and drink items. We will space back 6 foot sections
at line for food and ask no more than 2 people per bench.

Pizza slices and nachos $2.00 each. All drinks and water $1.00, chips $1.00.
We also need to decide on a cutoff date to either have or cancel the Brickfest.

Right now we only have 3 vendors for the Brickfest. Date for cutoff decision will be July 12th. Bouncy houses are definite no.

No other business, meeting adjourned 7:45 PM.

Motion to close meeting made by Ron, 2nd by
Melissa. All in Favor motion passed.

Patricia Betts