This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting opened at 7 PM by Brittany Miller
Attendance Ron Betts, Mellissa Miller
Phone in Jessica Betts, Brittany Hughes
Absent None
Public Attendance: none
Approval of July and August Minutes
After review Mellissa motions to approve both July and August minutes. 2nd by Brittany Miller, all in favor, motion passed.
Treasurer Report: After review July, August, and Sept thru todays date. Treasurer reports were motioned for approval by Mellissa, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed.
Old Business:
Brickfest Results
Pat reviewed the results from Brickfest. Proceeds after all bills have been paid was $6,420.66
Also broke down the past several years of Brickfest results to show each year our profit has gone up.
Brittany Hughes said it seems like we sold extra food this year.
Pat also presented the profit and loss report for the year so far just to let everyone know what we have brought in and what was spent.
Update on books
Mellissa said we ordered 50 books but we received 55 books. We now have an invoice for the other 5 books. Mellissa said she originally was going to question them on the invoice but since we had other people asking for books we had them to sell.
Ron made motion to pay invoice, 2nd by Mellissa all in favor motion passed.
Most of the books has been picked up. Everyone who wished for the books to be mailed have been mailed. The books that haven’t been picked up yet are all local.
Brittany handed several bills to be paid. One from Stiles Hardware was for the extra chains needed, the other was from Lowes. Brittany kept that receipt as she has to return several items from that one.
Update on ornament sales
Brittany Miller said she has 15 and Mellissa said she just sold one today. We probably have around 40 remaining. Brittany and Mellissa were talking about possibly setting at Post Office and LaMantia’s.
Pat will give 15 to LaMantia’s store to sell for us.
Update on Andy Pahach plaque
Brittany said she is meeting with Eli next week and the other brick she screwed up isn’t coming until Sept 30. He coming out to fix that also.
Pat said Mr. Wagner was asking about a dedication yet and what was being done. He would like to be there. Brittany said she not sure what to do with dedication now because Jean Pahach is not walking well. As soon as we get it done we should have the dedication. Possibly also notify the newspaper for this. Jean is getting up there in age and we want to do this before something happens to her.
Update on Degano Bench
Brittany said she also called the guy on the Degano bench. He has not responded as of yet but on her to do list for tomorrow. If it does not work out she will talk to Joe Thompson. All that is needed is the one board replaced with the correct spelling.
New Business:
Bench at park with board replacement needed.
Pat asked if anyone saw the one board standing beside a bench under the trees. It has been broke since Brickfest.
Mellissa said we really need to watch what we replace. We will end up replacing all the benches. When Art started this almost 20 years ago, the point is if we start replacing all the boards it is a drain, it is not cheap to fix them all. We should do some type of fund raiser to cover the cost of the bench repairs.
Brittany suggested to contact everyone that had a bench to contact them for help. Pat said that information is all under Art and Carol and they never gave us any records. It would be nice to go back to the families and say,” Hey could you help in covering the cost of repairs on the bench of yours.”
Pat and Mellissa both said we can’t because we never got the records.
Mellissa said we should try to have a fund raiser and ear mark the money for the upkeep. Maybe put a flyer out asking for help from the families that bought one.
Pat said it is very hard to do. Jessica suggested a donation box and put at LaMantias or Pizza Post and say it is for the benches at the park. Brittany said several years ago we put out a donation box for the people and we got just 1 person, Mr. Gamble and that was it.
Maybe do a ticket since we haven’t done one for a while. Discussion was made on the type of ticket. Decision was made to sell 500 tickets at $5 per ticket. Goes off Thanksgiving. We haven’t done anything for the Cemetery this year yet. So sell 500 tickets @ $5. Winner gets $1250 and then split the remaining balance between parks and the Cemetery. Goes off Thanksgiving Day 2 numbers.
Brittany Hughes asked hubby what to call it. He came back with “Gobble & Wobble for Parks. We can also advertise when selling the tickets, if they would like to make a donation for the park bench upkeep rather than buy a ticket they could so.
Mellissa motions to sell tickets, 2nd by Ron to sell and also post of Facebook. Pat to get ticket made up.
Storage Shed – before winter
Mellissa FYI, she has just got off the phone with Monica Pickup. She is willing to donate the storage shed to parks. The only stipulation is she still needs to ask Tom because he put it up.
Monica did text Tom and came back with Yes we can have the shed. Mellissa said she sent up Myers to look at it and said it was ok. Myers did say we should get someone like the Amish to move it since they have the equipment to do so.
Halloween decoration's set up.
Discussion was made on Skelton's from Lowes. Decision was not to get because of the potential damage from people in the park at night.
Discussion on various items, large chicken from Tractor Supply, It's too late petting zoo showed Skelton animals behind a fence.
Decision was to put current items closer to lights and pavilion.
Robert Shaw grant fund
Pat presented papers from them which we need to sign and send back for the $3,000 they donated to us for the lower park pavilion. Mellissa said she believes we need to get rid of the table. We really don’t need to tear down just replace much needed parts. Some of the roof would need replaced but if we could that. Brittany asked who could do this project. We could advertise on Facebook and
And say “we are looking for someone to rehab this and also take a photo of the pavilion.”
The term for the contract is “they would like a report within 3 months after the project is completed”
Mellissa motions to put onto Facebook for the pavilion rehab, 2nd by Ron all in favor motion passed.
Pumpkin Carving – fun day
Mellissa said since the Legion had cancelled their portion of the event due to overbooking that we just
Do the pumpkin carving and hay rides. Brittany asked time for the hayride. Pat said 4-6 pm. Maybe do also a Halloween bag. We should do both at the same time. Brittany Hughes thoughts is we really should not have a fire because we are still under a drought.
Jessica asked about making up a treat bag in addition to the pumpkin carving and hayrides.
Pat said we can do the pumpkin poop again this year. We could have cookies also.
We are also doing the $5 per child for the pumpkins to be ordered and then giving back that day.
Brittany said the cutoff date will be Sept 16th.
Mellissa said she will go to Walmart in Latrobe for donation.
Jessica asked her hubby if his coworker Tim had any pumpkins this year. Jessica came back with Tim has none this year because of drought.
Decision on sleigh rides
Mellissa thing on Christmas. Mr. Altwine wants to change the date on us. He wants us to move the date to the 21st. He wants to come after he does Ligonier and he will complain about the horses are tired and he doesn’t show up on time and is late. Mellissa suggest we cancel the sleigh rides and try to get the train guy back for Christmas. We have $500 from the sleigh rides and $300 from the movie not being done. She will ask the Fire Dept if we could have Santa and the train at the fire hall. She will ask John if that is possible. When we get his permission then we can ask the train guy if available. Maybe have a couple small events for the kids. Looking at the 14th or the 15th of December.
Brittany asked the cost of the train. Pat said the cost was $900 for 2 hours.
Please reach out to him before we call the fire company. Brittany Hughes if maybe we could ask the fire company to decorate a fire truck too.
PA Parks Fund campaign.
Brittany said we are in the 2nd stage of fundraiser. They are reaching out to businesses for sponsorship. She is still hopeful we get the funds in the spring.
Halloween Decoration Set Up.
Brittany said possibly next week. Discussion on date and time. Mellissa said she can do Wednesday around 5PM. Everyone decided that is a good time. Brittany Miller said about we always get ax extension cord cut up or stolen. It has always been the one plugged into the line at the Concession stand. So decision was to place everything up closer to the pavilion and stage are so we can have a better watch on them.
Any other business
Mellissa mention about the wooden nickels and ornaments still left over from 2013. Mellissa suggested to put on Facebook for 50 cents each. We also have old shirts. Decision was to sell for 50 cents each and post on Facebook.
Also for reference, every year I go to the pie shop and Mariana's. They asked have you done fund raisers for us. If so we will donate to you. We should do a fund raiser for them. We could schedule around Christmas around a Monday have dinner on us. If we do it , it will be in the record.
Hosses we could do maybe in February. Is would have to be a weeknight. If we do it should be before spring time. Is anybody opposed to doing a sub sale. Jess says it sounds ok to me.
I would say either the 9th or the 16th of December. Everyone said the 9th. We could do the subs and pizzas. I believe we have to prepay also. If we do the pie shop then do maybe in the spring. We won't make a lot of money on them but is will fulfill the obligation for support.
Mellissa also has a phone that was left at Brickfest . Brittany suggested to call the police and have them pick it up.
Brittany Hughes saw a negative response on Facebook concerning a wood carving that was won at Brickfest. Discussion was made and the comment. Brittany disabled the comment response on the site.
Motion made to adjourn at 8:12 PM made by Brittany M, 2nd by Ron.
Patricia Betts