January 7 2019
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Public attending Calin Gropp, John Speidel, Aaron Bouch, Alex Ashcroft and spouse from Ligonier Echo, Amy Lickenfelt arrived late.
Regular Meeting called to order at 7 PM by Clark Baird
First on agenda is the public meeting by the fire department for a Municipal Loan for the Fire Company. Meeting conducted by Fire chief John Speidel,
Mr. Speidel stated it has been tabled. Every 5 years their current mortgage has a reset on the cost of the loan. They are currently shopping around for a good rate loan. Their Solicitor, Kim Houser when this is completed will be in contact with Mr. Miller to set up another public meeting to explain what will take place. The borough itself has no financial liability with their loan. As soon as the Fire Dept. gets a proposal we will notify the Borough to set up a public meeting to go over everything.
Approval of December 6 regular meeting minutes. After review, Ron motioned to approve, seconded by Sue. All in favor, motion passed.
Approval of December 22 special meeting minutes. After review Sue motioned to approve, 2nd by Ron, all in favor motion passed.
Approval of Treasurer Report. After review Sue made motion to retroactive payment to Malinish Auto – for gas tank for truck in the amount of $375.00. Ron 2nd motion all in favor motion passed. Sue also motioned to accept treasurer report 2nd by Clark, all in favor motion passed.
Solicitor Report. None at this time.
Public Comment: Jessica Betts, wanted to know what to do with the unpaid Per Capita tax.
Sue asked how many there were. Jessica stated 53 people. We had 218 that paid and 53 not paid. Sue wanted to know what was done last year. Nothing was done by the prior tax collector with the unpaid people. Jeffery asked how much are we talking about... Total with penalty is $291.50. With the court cost involved it would be more costly to pursue. The issues from before have been corrected and with the new Ordinance. His advice is to just let it be and start fresh this year.
Calin Gropp, stated he is here for one of the council Vacancies we currently have. Clark makes motion to accept Calin Gropp for the position, Ron 2nds motion, all in favor motion passed.
Pat will get you the necessary paperwork. Jeffery said to go to a Notary, Tonya Nixon, or Magistrates office to get sworn in. This needs to be done before the next meeting.
Sue got in touch with Lewis McLaughlin and he wants to get back onto council. Sue motions to accept Lewis McLaughlin for council, 2nd by Clark, all in favor motion passed.
Update on Comcast renewal contract. Jeffery said he spoke to Ms. McCabe. They are going round and around with the agreement. Stay tuned hopefully by next meeting will have more information.
Boat launch project. Jeffery looked at the bid package and went back and forth with the bid proposal. Jeffery is to change several items in the bid package and then it will be ready to go.
Update on police car keys. Clark went up to New Florence and brought the car back. Officer Chilco still has the borough keys and other keys for cruiser. Jeffery agreed to get keys from them to save us a trip. Clark to text Neva (Mayor) to let her know.
Update with the EIP Program - Received letter from Harrisburg, Tay Waltenbaugh, Chief Executive Officer advising that all relevant closeout materials have been received for the Contract # C000063012 and it is officially closed. All project records should be retained for a period of (5) years from date of closeout. Sue motions to close out the EIP account and put funds back into General Account. Ron 2nds motions, all in favor motion passed.
New Business:
2019 Budget expenses for 3 months in advance. $15,801.05
Pat explained that the end of the year figures were corrected on the 2019 budget. Figures that were changed was workers comp and the engineer fund amounts plus the revenue income from reimbursement of workers comp from both Fairfield and West Wheatfield TWP.
Pat stated she had to also calculate for 3 months’ worth of utilities and other monthly expenses.
Pat requests transfer of $10,000 to meet partial payroll. Clark motions to approve, Sue 2nds, all in favor motion passed.
Pat requested the funds for Parks & Recreation of $2500.00 per ordinance. Clark motions to approved, Ron 2nds, all in favor motion passed.
Transfer of funds from engineering fund to general account of $7,584.48 to balance 2019 budget. Ron motions to approve, Sue 2nds, all in favor motion passed.
Pat also requests to rename police fund to public safety fund. Ron motions to rename, Sue 2nds, all in favor motions passed.
Insurance fund request for the Fire Dept. The amount of $1700.00 was agreed in the Dec 22 meeting to pay in April when we have money coming in from Spring Taxes. We will vote on this yearly when we do budget.
Meeting with Somerset Trust Company. Flyer for a meet and greet with Chairman of Board Mr. Cook. On January 15th in New Florence. Pat explained a lot of people are requesting for them to put a bank or ATM machine in Bolivar. This will also be discussed at the meet and greet.
Meeting – Municipal Round Table with Westmoreland Conservation District on January 25th 2019. Cost is $10 person. They will also be discussing the Dirt, Gravel and low volume road program. Ron and Pat are already going. We want to also find out about the timbering and how it affects environment.
Sewage Report. Ron said meeting not until January 9th. They are still working on the water issues going into the sewage system.
Mayor Report. None as Mayor is not here again.
Street Commissioner Report. Ron dropped the ball this month by not getting a copy of gas usage report. Had to get tires replaced and gas lines. Jeffery noticed areas on the roads the pavement is coming up pretty good. He wondered if it was possible to get the holes patched in the winter. Ron said the roads are actually too cold right now to put even cold patch on it. Diesel fuel being put down helps melt the cold patch to stick but it won’t even work right now. Greg still has some catmint left over and he is using this when he can. Ron also said the brake lines on the truck are pretty bad. They really need to be replaced. They are getting pretty thin. Have the brakes looked at and the ones that need replaced more than others get fixed now. Let’s act on it now by getting them checked out at Lears and /or Doug Nixons to get done. Clark makes into motion, Sue 2nds, all in favor motion passed.
Parks & Recreation. Pat said we had Santa visit at the park. We had 100 bags of treats. Had 76 kids that night. Next day Ron gave to families that were not able to come out that night. We raised $229.00 in donations from the sleigh rides. K & K also came out and donated hot chocolate. We also did photos with Santa and gave to each child. At our last meeting parks set up upcoming events for the New Year. We also will be working on a grant to help out with parks events for the upcoming year.
Clark asked if anyone else had something to comment on. Sue mentioned about the gas company taking out the abandoned gas line by her house. Mentioned that Anna Lear fell on the sidewalk the gas company dug up and left big hole. Pam and Joe StClair called the gas company several times because of the large holes in the road they left and in the side walk they left. They have not returned their phone calls. They would like Pat to do her magic with PUC to get them fixed.
Ron brought up the drain issue at Lear Street. It was explained that according the District 12 supervisor we do not need an HOP Permit because it is in the Municipality. Penndot does not have a right of way within Municipality. Jeffery suggested we get them to put it in writing that we can proceed without HOP so we can get it fixed.
Back to gas company issue it was suggested to just use Pam StClair phone number and they can proceed from there.
Clark brought up the police car storage. Jeffery said we need to keep some type of insurance on the vehicle because he does not have insurance on his building there. Pat said we are keeping minimum insurance on the vehicle because it is being stored.
If nothing else the motion to adjourn was made by Ron, Sue 2nd, all in favor motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM
Meeting was re-opened at 7:55 PM - Motion was made by Sue to add Clark to Checking Accounts, 2nd by Ron, all in favor motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned again at 8PM.
Patricia Betts