This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Present: Amy Lickenfelt, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Ron Betts
Absent: Tom Pickup - Mayor, Mark Scribe, Clark Baird
Public Attendance: Arch Dodson
Special Guest - Ron Robson, Architect
Meeting called to order 7 PM by Amy Lichenfelt. Pledge of Allegiance was done.
Oct 6 Regular Meeting minutes were reviewed. Motion to approve was done by Sue, 2nd by Ron. All approved.
Oct 17 Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes were reviewed. Motion to approve was done by Sue, 2nd by Ron. All approved.
Treasurer report was reviewed. Motion to approve Treasurer Report was Ron, Sue 2nd motion. All approved.
Ron asked why the gas bill was so low. Pat explained the gas company played catch up from the past several months. They realized the overcharge when we were not using any gas during the time period of not having a furnace.
2017 Tentative Budget. Amy asked Jeffery if he had a chance to look over the 2017 Budget that was e-mailed to him. She asked if he thought it was ok. Jeffery responded it was ok. He commented that the council treats any carryover as income. He did not see a problem because we also take into account the funds as an expense. Pat explained the carryover at the end of the year includes the funds from payroll and general fund account combined. The carryover funds are then separated again putting the entire year of payroll back into the payroll account and the remaining carryover stays in the general account to use until revenue starts coming into the Borough in March. Sue questioned the pencil figures the council came up with and noticed it was a little different than the one that was just given to council. Pat explained that she made the changes to the items council requested at the workshop, and because council rounded off all the figures, when the corrections were made Pat had to use the exact figures in the accounts for the budget to balance. Pat also said, when she sent every council member a copy of the revised budget she also included an explanation of what was changed and why. Approval of 2017 budget as motioned to approve by Ron, 2nd by Sue . 2017 real-estate tax rate to remain the same at 10 mills.
Jeffery suggested we work on the Borough garage item next. Jeffery understands that we got the approval from the state, however Jeffery needs to order a title search in order to close on the loan.
Ron Robson, asked if there were any markings on the drawings that came back with the permit.
Pat stated she did not see any markings. Sue gave the documents to Mr. Robson, who reviewed for accuracy. Mr. Robson, explained about the rejection the first time of the drawings and viewed the necessary corrections requested by the state. After review Mr. Robson, said we were good to go. Sue also stated that Pat found the original AD for the paper and said she only changed item number 6, because of the dates. Discussion was made by council when to post notice in paper. The impending weather and time of year was a concern to all. The decision was made to wait to advertise January 2, 2017 and again on January 6, 2017. Bids to be opened on the Feb 2nd meeting and awarded. Jeffery suggested also to get Arch's opinion because of his involvement from before. Arch stated that because council was rushed before, if we give potential bidders some additional time they would be able to look at the new specifications and be able to have more time to check on prices and so forth. A start date for the project could be in April because of the weather.
Sue motioned to advertise January 2nd, bids to be returned on or before 2 PM Feb 2. Ron 2nd motion. All approved.
Mr. Robson also gave Pat a list of prior applicants and suggested to send them a letter of invitation to bid on the new project.
Arch wanted to comment on the garage project. He wanted to ensure Council that he was not happy. Council has spent several more thousand dollars on this project because everyone wanted it moved from the playground location. He also wanted to remind Council that they originally approved the other location and it was not his fault. He says we are wasting his taxpayer dollars and that is why he is upset and commented "He does not want to ever hear anyone say wasting tax payer dollars again because of this project. " This project could have been built by now.
Solicitor Report. Jeffery apologized he did not have the amended resolution on the lien fees completed yet, and to add to the agenda again next month.
Arch making public comment on the road project. He states most of the problem from Walnut Street was from Waste Management. Other Borough's have had Waste Management bring in smaller truck to use to collect trash and empty into a larger truck at a different location in town. Arch suggests council to contact Waste management and have them use smaller vehicles on the streets in town. To place additional weight restriction to the streets in town we need an engineer study. Amy suggested for Pat to write a letter to Waste Management on the concern we have and ask for them to use a smaller vehicle.
Road grant - Arch met with Rick Skovensky, Liquid Fuels Manager, and McCormick Taylor, Engineer. After several minor problems with the uneven roads areas that were fixed , Mr. Skovensky says it looks good and we could have our close out on the project with the 15, 16, 0r 17th final walk through. Council can go around with the final walk through at this time. Arch is suggesting to the council that we go ahead and pay BCS construction our portion of the $11,582.50. Council decided to wait until the walk through to cut the check for the construction company. Sue brought up the matter of several issues with some of the properties. During the heavy rains we had this past week, Pat noticed that at 2nd and Walnut Street, the water went right over top of the curb and down into Donna Gibson's property. Arch said we can't do anything with nature. Amy said she wanted to know what a punch line item was. Arch wants Mark and Ron to go around with the engineer's for the final close out. Jeffery wanted to know if it was better than before, and Pat commented definitely. Council then agreed and Sue motioned to pay BCS construction with the contingency on the closeout meeting on the 15th the amount of $11,582.50. Ron 2nd, All approved.
Jeffery suggested to have a check cut and just hold until the closeout meeting to pay. As soon as the close out is completed we have 1 year on the performance bond from the engineers.
Pat questioned the check amount. Liquid fuels does not have the total amount. Jeffery said to drain liquid fuel completely and pay the difference from general fund.
EIP Program - Sue stated George Dougherty told her he is to meet with Mayor next week, and Melissa and one other person on what they wanted to do or see in the town.
No other grants pending.
Code enforcement officer and street commissioner - had no one to apply for positions. Both items were advertised in the newspaper, bulletin board, and borough building. Council agreed to let the ads up for another month.
Current street commissioner has said he is totally done. He gave it another month. Amy has been temporarily doing the job. Discussion was made on the problem. She will continue to act temporarily until a street commissioner can be found.
Mayor report - Mayor stated to Amy that New Florence is interested and will contact us. Pat said a Mr. Guyer contacted her and wanted Amy's number and e-mail so New Florence Council President could speak to her. Pat gave the information to him.
Next on Agenda - Requesting monthly report from Fire Department on any workers comp claims. Amy said she was not aware they had any claims until Pat and Sue commented on an injury several months ago. Amy said a few on council knew, but all should know. Jeffery said they should let us know when someone does get hurt. Sue suggested Fire Department should let us know when someone gets hurt. Pat said, Workers Comp called and wanted to know why we hadn't filed the claim yet on an accident that took place with a female fire dept worker.
Jeffery said it is not unreasonable for them to let us know, since we are paying for their Workers Comp premium.
Write a letter and let them know this is what the council proposes and wishes them to comply.
Local services tax increase. - Amy When Mr. Dougherty came to meeting Oct 17, he suggested council to raise the local service tax rate to match the surrounding communities. Everyone pays $52.00 per year for this tax except Bolivar. His figures show Bolivar proposes to raise our rate up to $47.00 and also the $5.00 for the county to total $52.00.
Jeffery proposes for council to authorize him to prepare and advertise for raise of local tax before the next meeting. Amy made motion and 2nd by Sue. All approved.
Jeffery said also to make the changes to the proposed budget on the Local Service Tax Revenue. Pat asked in order to balance budget change the building expense/ equipment section for the difference also to keep the budget balanced. Make local service tax amount make it $1600.00
Amy made motion to make the changes to the tentative budget, Sue 2nd all approved.
Also Pat needs to advertise in local paper.
Insurance company is requesting an updated driver license and driving records for the upcoming insurance year. Pat also contact Mr. Flick at FWF to verify whether the fire department also needs to do. Pat then drafted a letter to the Fire Department, 1 to Ron Houck, 1 to Mayor, and Amy wants to be on also, 1 goes to Charlie. Mark is good. They don't need an updated license and record. Amy asked Ron and Sue if they want to go on. Both said no, not at this time.
Letters - Amy reviewing letters that came in. Work shops' came in, however they are all done as of now.
Election Bureau wants us to open at 5:45 am on Tuesday morning.
PSAB sent renewal for Borough new magazine. Sue motion to continue Ron 2nd. all approved.
Amy had a question for Jeffery on the workers working on the railroad. They drop huge parts and equipment all day long on 2nd street. Her whole house shakes. Amy said they are damaging the roads. They get to the stop sign and just drop the equipment and parts right at end of the road rather than drop down by the work site. Jeffery said if we can prove they damaged the streets then they are required to fix them. Pat suggested to pull the contract and Jeffery will review it after the meeting. Jeffery said take pictures. Jeffery also said we gave right of way down there not at the end of the street.
Arch asked Sue about the road contract for Bill Hughes every year. Pat said Bill sends us a copy of his Liability Insurance every year. We do not have to approve each year. Jeffery said he doesn't think it is necessary.
Sewage committee- Sue said it was just a work shop on the by-laws for the Sewage Authority.
Street Commissioner Report - sue - She needs permission to purchase a pump for $189.99 and gasket, from Groff. With shipping total will be $225.00 Fuel hoses needs to be purchased from Lamantia's for $25.00. Groff does not carry smaller sizes. They purchase in bulk. Ron 2nds, motion all approved.
Parks & Rec. No one here to inform of any event.
Motion to adjourn made by Sue, Ron 2nd all approved. at 8:30 PM
Patricia Betts
Patricia Betts