This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:34 PM
Present: Brittany Miller, Brittany Hughes, Ron Betts, Everett Saxton, Mellissa Miller, Jessica Betts
Absent: none
Public Attendance: Gwen Kovac, Ron Betts JR, Charlotte Saxton
Approval of April meeting minutes.
After review motion was made to approve March minutes by Mellissa, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed.
Approval of treasurer report for April
After review motion was made to approve treasurer report by Mellissa, 2nd by Jessica. All in favor motion passed.
Old Business
Update on 2023 Sponsorship letters
Mellissa said not going well. Has sent out so many and even hit everyone in town and still did not get any. We do have S & T Bank coming, VFW in New Florence $500 and Mellissa talked to FWF today and mentioned sponsorship. She said she asked about the alcohol paperwork . they told her they would send a written notification of approval. Brittany M was under the impression we already got the approval. Mellissa said the approval ok was from the insurance company and council said it was approved pending the approval information from the insurance company. Mellissa said she wanted to give the Borough council the paperwork so they have it in writing.
Mellissa asked about how much are we still short. Pat suggested to look at the back of the treasurer report for what is remaining. So we still need $1,525 to cover everything.
Update on tickets for cow plop.
Mellissa said I believe we still have 9 tickets left. I think we will have them all sold before the event.
Update on Pierogi fund raiser
We really need to table it. Mellissa said, "I just don't have the time right now".
Mellissa said we have guests and we should hear from them first before going on.
Charlotte said she is here to volunteer her services for the upcoming event and cleaning up the park.
Charlotte said our borough worker is doing a fantastic job on the parks. It has been a very long time since the parks looked so good. Brittany said that is her dad.
Brittany said she and her husband are looking at trying to power wash the benches or clean them somehow before the cow plop.
Update on speaker system.
Ron Jr up for explaining the system. The system comes with own microphone. After looking over the area that sound was needed. We can use not just for movies in the park but we won't have to rely on someone's band sound system to broadcast items for events going on. We can break in and make announcements. Mellissa said she doesn't have a problem with them. They are weather resistant, they are on wheels can roll out and hook up at any time. We spent $1,000 last year just to be able to use a speaker system to make announcements. We spend a 1 time figure of $699.95. and that is it. Announcements for brick toss, basket party, and other things going on. We have money set aside for the upper park. We have like $2066 left over and still have $4,640 for the lower park.
Mellissa said we don't put money back in the funds if we borrow from them. Pat said yes we do.. Proceeds from the Brickfest are used to put back into funds that we borrow from and still have extra proceeds to do what is needed for the upcoming year.
Mellissa said let's make a motion on whether we can get a better price, possibly 10% more off the price. Brittany M to text mfg. to see what can be done.
New Business:
Food items for cow plop and concert.
Mellissa said hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos & cheese, chips, soda, pizzas ( 2 pepperoni, 2 cheese) Also suggested doing a bake sale. It is easy money for parks. The cookies are all donated to us.
The cow plop cow's name is "Anita" the size will be 30'x 30'. Each square is 3 x 3.
Myers's will do the lines for the game. The area will be fenced in. Discussion made on what to use to make the lines for the squares. Have to be careful nothing is used that is toxic to the cow.
Car Show flyer and trophies
Ron Jr up again. We are doing away with the actual trophies. Consensus is they don't want trophies. they want plaques and money. We are doing Best in Show plaque and 4 - 1st place plaques. 4 categories'. 1. antiques - 1960 & below 2. Classic 1961 - 1985 3. Modern 1986- * up 4. Motorcycles & ATV - all years. General public will do the judging for the 4 different classes and the judges will do the best of show from the 4 winners. Keep the price to $15 and order 50 dash plaques size is 3 x 4 inch.
Check with 2 or 3 places and go with the cheapest. We also figured that 75 % go to parks and the Best of Show winner gets 25%.
Brittany asked about the trophies for the tractor pull event. Pat to talk to Aaron to see how they did it last year for the carnival.
Set up time for June 11 polka concert and street blocking
Agreement is 1 to 7 PM for closing the street. Concert is 4 to 6 PM. Brittany to notify the home owners since there are only 5 people involved.
Next meeting will be June 15th, 7 PM.
Any other Business?
The Blow Up race. Christian is going to run it for us. She has everything from last year. We will not have to do anything.
Pat asked if we are going to invite the Petting Zoo and not pay for the food. They were willing to sell the food but we did not want a child to not be able to afford to feed them.
Mellissa will check on the price for the next meeting.
Gwen has a problem with kids swings. The HP swing is the only one that can be used. The red & blue swing is broken. The one swing needs a chain. It goes sideways. The same with the lower park.
So we really need 2 baby swings.
Gwen suggested that parks can ask the Legion to donate 1/2 the cost of the speaker system. This needs to be brought up at the meeting on June 11th.
Mellissa motions to buy 2 more rubber baby swings, 2nd by Jess all in favor motion passed.
Brittany Miller motions to adjourn, Brittany H 2nd motion to close at 9 PM
Patricia Betts