This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Present: Amy Lickenfelt, Ron Betts, Dan Short, JR, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Mayor Tom Pickup came in late.
Absent: Clark Baird
Public Attendance: Arch Dodson, Pam St. Clair
Meeting called to order 6:00 P.M.
First Item on Agenda. Amy has two (2) workshops for Boro Worker to attend. #1 is "Traffic Signs" in Ebensburg, other is "Warm mix Asphalt" in Indiana. Ron motion's for Ron Houck to attend Sue 2nds motion. All approved. Ron also to use Boro truck to attend both workshops. He will get paid from time he starts out until he returns. Both workshops are 4 hours long.
Next Item. Ron wrote letter to PUC on LED lights. Sample of his letter give to everyone. Suggest others also write a letter on behalf of Borough.
Next item - Clean up days on June 25th signup sheet. Each council member has 1 1/2 hours to work.
Contracting for "Code Enforcement Officer". Pat inquired on what type of certifications are required, hours to work, rate of pay and so forth. Jeffery to get Pat information on Westmoreland Council of Government and also a Code Agency in Jeanette that would do code work on job basis. Sue wanted to know what a" Code Enforcement Officer" did. Jeffery explained what we would be looking for and what the officer would be capable of doing for us. Jeffery to get contact number for Pat to call.
Next item. Letter from M & J Construction - Bid for garage project has gone up. Current costs is now $73,862. Difference of $1100.00.
Approval for bank loan on garage project. Tom said he did not get any documentation from the beginning of the project and he wanted it. Tom wanted to know what a tax anticipation loan is. He is not understanding. Jeffery tried to explain this to Tom. A tax anticipation loan means we must repay within the current year. Jeffery said we are not dealing with this type of loan. Tom thinks that type of loan will hold all our funds. Jeffery says that is not the case. Every person who Jeffery has spoken to will be doing a property loan.
Pat said after speaking to both First National and S & T, both places said they could hold the Borough truck or police car as collateral. If they used the property of building then an appraisal would have to be done.
Tom still has concerns on the loan after reading on line about loans. Jeffery still doesn't see a problem. Jeffery talked to Keith Layman, and USDA is willing to loan us total funds and then pay them back. Borrowing the entire amount from USDA is the same, five (5) years.
Sue motions to continue with garage but not at current location. Wants garage by Borough Building. Amy seconds. Sue, Tom, and Amy vote yes to move location, Ron and Dan vote against moving location.
Sue motioned again to continue with the project and the Borough Building site and re bid the project. Jeffery also said we have to talk to USDA and see if they would continue to fund the project or if we would lose the grant.
Also need to talk the Mike James and cancel his bid and start again and re-bid.
1. Contact USDA tell what took place - and where we go from here.
2. Contact Mike James to be done before next meeting, Jeffery to be there also. (Jeffery, Sue, and Clark) Tom to do if Clark cannot.
3. Talk to Ron Robson give update. (Sue to Call) vote is to re-site location.
Tom wants all paperwork setting on the table so he can look at it. Jeffery said that would not be possible. The Borough building has too many people coming in and out.
Tom doesn't trust Rob Robson. He wants proof in front of him. Jeffery tried to explain that a specification booklet was drawn up and anyone can look at it. Sue mentioned all documents were setting in her box, for anyone to see. Jeffery said it's been four (4) months the Council has been talking about this project. Anyone can contact the Secretary and she will get the documents out of office, but they will not be left on the table.
Sue motions to re-site garage to the Borough Building in parking area. Amy 2nds motion. Tom tie breaker. Ron and Dan rejects.
Arch says he does not want to contact Ron Robson. He is done with this project.
Public Comment: Pam St. Clair. Wants to know about her water problem. Liquid Fuels Coordinator, Rick Skovensky, says it is not Borough problem, The land owner must prove its the Borough's problem before the Borough will pay. Pam is currently assuming it's the Borough Drain that is causing her basement to flood. Last time the drain was worked on was in 2008.
Pam still wants to look at the map that Art said he had. Pam still wants the Borough to put a new line in and replace the old one.
Ron asked if Pam looked into a company who seals wet basements. Pam said it costs over $14,000.00 Fourteen thousand dollars. She doesn't have that kind of funds.
Next public comment: Arch says Council is now wasting tax payers money on using additional funds for engineers and so forth because they want the project moved. He just hopes the building can be built cheaper, however Arch is not happy. He requesting to contact Keith Layman first to let him know he is off the project.
Pat wanted to know about the notification to look for " Early Intervention Committee" members. Pat to place in bulletin board, and on Borough window.
Pam brought up concern about old signs being left.
Amy wants on agenda for next Council meeting to do an Ordinance on signs being left up after events. Example, Fire Department carnival signs still up from last year, and yard sale signs, also voting signs.
Dan turned in his verbal resignation because of health problems. He is done right now.
Amy said we have to have a motion to accept his resignation.
Amy make a motion to Accept Dan's resignation Sue 2nds. All approved.
Pat to put up sign for another Council person for next meeting.
Pat asked Pam if she wanted to be on Early Intervention committee. Pam commented not at this time.
Sue read a statement concerning Dan Short and violating Ethics Committee. It was told that Dan said some things that was only said in an executive meeting. Arch said he already resigned so just let it go.
Council adjourned 7:20 PM
Patricia Betts