July 5, 2019
Regular Meeting
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Clark Baird President at 7 PM
Present: Clark Baird, Ron Betts, Sue Bartow, Lewis McLaughlin, Calin Gropp
Absent- Mayor Tom Pickup, Solicitor Jeff Miller
Public Attendance – Amy Lickenfelt and Lori Lickenfelt, Alex Ashcroft - Ligonier Echo, Dan Short, JR, Joe Wood, Janine Wood, Karol Gibbons, Donna Botteicher, Kim Botteicher, Virginia Doley, Dana Findley, Pam St Clair.
Approval of June 6 regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve made by Ron, 2nd by Sue. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Treasurer Report. Motion to approval made by Lou, 2nd by Colin, all in favor, motion carried.
Solicitors Report. Solicitor absent.
Public Comment. Janine Wood 524 Market Street. Issues with neighbor’s dog. Daughter is not comfortable with going outside because of the dog. An incident happened that was a safety risk. Lou asked about a dog getting loose, attacking fence, attacking each other, our dog was killed by their dog. Dogs are at 522 Market Street. Pam Wilkins owns dogs, they are renters. When we had contractors working at our home, they also let the dogs out then and they terrorized the workers. Dog Warden involved also and they were issued a violation on the loss of control of the dogs. After lengthy discussion it was decided that Jeffery would draft up a letter and send certified mail to home owner as well. Home owner is Allison Eckels.
Pam StClair, asking the board to send out a public notice “ lock your car, be aware of surrounding issues that you see and report to Local or State Police anything you see out of order.” This is in reference to the troubles we have been having in town.
Kim Botteicher, from K & K, speaking of the New Leaf Community Center. She has been hearing rumors that our Community Center has brought the druggies in town. She spoke about the activities that does go on every Tuesday night, and other days of the week. We are a recovery center not a drug center. She asks the Board to come up to see what exactly we do on Tuesday evenings during recovery sessions. We also do random drug testing. Our schedule is 1st and 3rd Monday “Embracing Grief”, Tuesdays Nar-Anon, and Family and Community Educations, Wednesdays bible Study, Thursdays Connections Café. I would also love to have the police back. We really don’t care if we have to pay additional taxes if we can get the police back.
As the Community Center and as a Business Owner we would really like to have the police back. Just to inform you Bolivar code is (no law) because we don’t have police here and we can deal drugs. Lengthy discussion on police coverage was talked about. The community can do a lot.
Amy, Bolivar is not the only problem here. West Bolivar and Robinson also have the same issue. Amy and Clark briefly argued the issue on police coverage. Amy said she would rather pay higher taxes so she could feel safer at home. She sees the traffic that comes to the lower field and the heron and other drugs being distributed. She got a cop when she was on council and we got rid of them. It is useless to have a boat launch down there. Spend your money on police instead. There was never any traffic when we had cops. You don’t get rid of drugs, but it lessen's to traffic. The boat dock does not bring revenue to town, and you are only giving the druggies a quick way out of town. Put a camera up do something, put on Quonset hut, put at playground. You need to start reaching out to other Boro’s to see what they are doing. I want the stuff out of our town.
Mrs. Wood, suggested having a community watch program. The watch people can report issues and or enforcement. Mr. Wood asked what is wrong with “citizen’s arrest.” Clark said "f you want to start a Community Watch program you can do it, but we cannot give permission for you to do it because of Liability Issues."
Update on Storage Garage. Received packet of closing documents. Jeffery and Pat went over them and put together and sent to Harrisburg for review. All documents were sent out by certified mail. The bids have been scheduled and the bid closing will be July 22 at 7 PM No formal announcement on a winner of the bids will be made until approved by USDA.
Update on Comcast renewal contract. Still hasn’t heard anything back on that yet.
Update on the CDBG road grant. Notification was received and Pat asked McCormick Taylor what the next step would be. They sent us an e-mail informing us we need to get an engineer now because some of the items they cannot do.
1. Begin engineering on each of the projects to develop plans, provisions, and contract documents for bidding purposes.
2. Also include Walnut and 4th, McKinley and 2nd, and Lincoln and 2nd, Washington and 8th, 671 Washington St, and Lear SR259 as part of the overall project.
3. There will be a provision in the contact the Borough reserves the right to eliminate any work from the construction contract.
4. If you agree with the engineer design including the drainage improvement noted, we can provide council a scope of the work and price proposal to review. Once the engineer is on board, and before engineer work is started, Westmoreland County wants you to contact them to provide these details. The formal approval of the grant funding will not be provided until the end of July. Also use a construction inspection company to verify and document the contractor’s construction. We don’t do this work in this area, but Mr. Petulla knows some good local firms that specialize in this work. A quick summery of the next steps would be : select an engineering firm, coordinate firm with Westmoreland County, agree to scope and price for engineering contract, complete engineering design, provide advertisement documents to Westmoreland County for approval to advertise, select inspector to document construction, payment, and verify quality of work.
Update on Dirt and Gravel Grant. Table until next month.
Update on Dirt and Gravel Grant. Table until next month.
Update on Boat Launch. Bids came in:
John Hardiman Excavating $55,200.00
Ramsey Excavating $ 57,000.00
Costabile Construction $ 110,041.00
Mr. Crounour will be presenting this at their regular meeting on 10 July and accepted Mr. Hardiman. He also suggested to cut part of the parking lot to bring into compliance with the $40,000.00. Rather than cutting the fencing back 400 feet, it would be better to keep the entire fencing and cut the parking lot.
Calin commented, “Then we are going to have cameras down there.” Pat said, extra lighting and cameras will be down there.
Update on ATM Machine. Pat has not heard anything on this yet.
Update on Code Enforcement Officer. Lou to meet next week with Dave Ling, code enforcement to have him come in July 22.
Update on 2nd and McKinley Street issue. Ron talked to Bill Hughes on this and he hasn’t gotten back to me yet.
Update on Engineer Firms for Streets. Pat said Jeffery hasn’t gotten anything back to her yet. Council agreed to have Pat look up places in the phone book and send feelers out.
New Business:
Highridge waiver for Stop Valve. Pat received a letter from Highridge saying they are only requiring an inspection once every three years for us.
Private sale of Hollick residence to take place August 16th. Pat was notified about a private sale of the Hollick residence in August. Pat gave Jeffery a list of the past three years of work the Borough had to do so he could ensure the County knows of the liens against the property. Pat said she personally handed the yearly totals repairs done to property.
PennDot issue roadway between arches. Pat said they did repairs on the potholes and also took photos of the excessive water lying across the road during rain storms and possibility of hydro-planning of autos when they hit it.
Police Car usage for parade. Pat wanted to know who would be driving the police car for the parade on Thursday. Pat said we would have to get the car out of Jeffery’s garage and clean up. Clark said he would drive the car. He also suggested to get the Boro Worker to clean up the car. Pat will notify the Mayor to see if he would be riding in the auto.
Sue mentioned about the high grass Ordinance on several properties. Several properties need to have a letter. Pam asked who is paying for the Borough worker to clean up the Deemer property. Council said they would place a lien against the property and hopefully we get the funds back when the property sales. Lou said when the Code Enforcement Officer comes into town he won’t let a violation go no matter who they are.
Sewage Report. Ron said they are still working on getting the road asphalted and getting a camera. Lou said we need to have the sewage authority look into this. Jeffery said that Greg, Ron, and Sue are all on the sewage board and will have a better insight into this.
Also under new Business: Having the a/c unit serviced. Pat said Mullins will charge $99.00 for servicing. Sue motioned to have Mullins come service the unit, 2nd by Calin. All in favor motion carried.
Sewage Report: An incident happened at the plant the other day. Someone from the quarry dumped a load of gravel in the middle of the road and blocked the roadway. Bill Hughes had to be called to bring his loader over to clean up the roadway.
Mayor Report - nothing
Street Commissioner Report. 20.9 hours on zero turn. 85.5 gallons used. On Truck 33.1 gallons in truck. We have ¾ of tank left in gas storage tank. We have a crew coming in from Career Link who work out of Blue Spruce Park.
We need about 30 gallons of yellow paint. Clark motion to spend up to $500 on the paint and Sue 2nd. All in favor, motion carried. Clark asked if this could come out of Liquid Fuels. Pat said, yes. Also need hot patch asphalt. Sue motion to purchase up to $200 for hot patch asphalt and Clark 2nd, all in favor Motion carried.
Parks and Rec. Report. Got lumber for the storage area at the park. Concert on July 21, 5-7 PM at Burkey Park. Still working on finalizing the BrickFest.
Sent off a request to Ligonier Endowment for additional funds. We would also like to close 3rd street from Lincoln to Market for the care cruise vehicles to park. This ties the Brickfest and the Beer tent at the Legion together. Lou motions to close street, Calin 2nd, all in favor motion carried.
No other business, Ron motioned to adjourn, Sue 2nd. All in favor meeting adjourned 8:10 PM
Patricia Betts