
February 20, 2020
Regular Parks 

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Present Pat Betts, Ron Betts, Beth Thompson, Joe StClair, Pam StClair, Melissa Miller

Absent: Michelle Bouch, Aaron Bouch

Meeting called to order 7:00 PM

Motion to approve minutes from January was made by Ron, 2nd by Melissa, all in favor motion passed.

Motion made to approve Jan treasurer report made by Melissa, 2nd by Ron, all in favor motion passed. Melissa commented to everyone, if you look at the Treasurer report the entire year of events has been paid for so the balance on the report is what we have to spend on other things.

Old Business:
Upgrade of grant for lower park. Pat said she brought up at the regular council meeting the request for the additional $4700 to cover the rest of the grant for the lower parks electric and cameras. Council agreed to cover the added cost. Now, once we receive the $4700 from the Pittsburgh Foundation (Wagner Fund) we can get that phase of the project completed. Only 1 person from the council voted no to cover the added expense.

Update on lower park for improvements to playground. Joe had asked if we saw the article in the Johnstown paper on the grant funds that was received by Johnstown for a water park there.

Melissa’s thoughts on this was, we need to get that company from Ohio down there to look at the area we would like to see the water park go. Pat also said the DCNR grant is good until April. Melissa said we need asphalt for walking tract, tennis courts, basketball court. We need to get someone down to give us an estimate for the total cost. Also the playground needs new equipment.

Melissa said we use the carpenters union .  They are willing to build steps for the slide at the upper playground. We will supply the wood and they would build it. Melissa to contact Brad Lichtenfelt’s who works for the union.

Pam requests they put a back on the step so no grass will grow through. Joe commented they cannot be too high of a step because of the little kids.
Everyone agreed to go for it.

Update letters to sponsors. Melissa added 75 additional letters that were sent out. Melissa said she has another list to go out. Pat gave her stamps and envelopes to send out more.

Update on Hometown Hero's Banner Program. Pat said the Legion District commander approved the banner application so we can now get those out to the Post members. Melissa 
asked if we would be doing another order after the initial order is done. Pat said yes, it will be on a continuous basis. Pam said she definitely has nine to get printed. The deadline date needs to be changed to April 1, because of the setting up, making and getting banners back to us.

Pat also signed the contract with Penelec for being able to put the banners up in Robinson and we just heard back from Fairfield TWP. They just got their pole numbers so Pat will do a contract for Fairfield Twp. Covering W Bolivar and Ridgeview.

Update on pizza coupons. Pat has the coupons completed. New this year is 1 large two toppings for $12.00 instead of the 1 large 1 topping for $12.00. Regular price of the pizza is $15.00. Hopefully more people will buy coupons from us to save money.

New Business:

Next meeting is scheduled for March 19th at 7 PM

Melissa said she contacted the casino in Pittsburgh. We really need to do this. She said we would rent the bus and charge people $30. The casino give back $25. for play money and $5.00 for food. If we got 50 people to go we could make $1500. Bus fare is around $350.00 with driver. The only thing is we would have to go on a week day. They would arrive around noon and leave the casino at 6 PM. Discussion was made on a date to try to go. Decision was made to go around April 20. Michelle Stiffey said the last bus she went on 48 seats were sold out of 50. A couple pickups will be done. New Florence, Bolivar, Ligonier and New Alexandria on way to Pittsburgh.

Melissa also contacted Altoona Curve to see if we could get tickets for their game instead of the Pittsburgh Pirates game. They are easier to get into and out of.

She also applied to Delgrosso for sloppy Joe’s. We can use at the brickfest. Pat asked about Idlewild. Melissa said she already did it for this year.

Schedule of events set up for 2020.

Upper Park – Pat said she has information on the upper park. We could almost cut the cost in half by us doing the ditch witch ourselves and putting the conduit and wire in. Pat to check on the cost for us and how much less the cost would be for the electric contractor. Discussion was made on the cost from Gilroy Electric and Beaufort’s Electric. After comparison Beaufort’s was the main electric runner for this project. We can also do in different increments.

Joe discussed the reason for us to keep blowing circuits. The large bouncy house had 3 blowers and each motor used 25 amps. That took up all our electric and why we kept blowing circuits.

Melissa suggested to do bids for 3 sections. Main panel to pavilion, main panel to concession stand, and main panel to stage area.

Pat said she will check for prices for us to install the conduit and wiring rather than contract it out. Let’s get figures and make a decision for next meeting.

Melissa said she also sent directly to Mike Richards at IRMC to get the stage fixed. Pat said we were only given the plans for the stage and nothing else. We don’t know if there was any contract from them to say they would maintain the stage for a certain number of years.

Pat handed out the 2020 schedule of events for ok before she runs off a massive amount for distribution. Everyone said it was ok. No other changes to it.
Pat also said she completed the final close out to Ligonier endowment for the grant from this past year. Pat explained to Joe what needed to be done for this and why.

Melissa said she still hasn’t heard from the Pittsburgh Zoo on whether they are coming to Brickfest or not.

Beth asked if any other business to discuss. Motion made to adjourn at 7:50 by Beth and 2nd by Melissa, all in favor motion passed.


Patricia Betts