
7, 2024 

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Keith St. Clair, Vice President at 7 PM.

Present:  Solicitor Michael Smith, Keith St.Clair. Clark Baird- Mayor, Sue Bartow, Gladine McMaster , & Jeffery Miller

Absent:  Lou McLaughlin

Public Attendance:  Heidi Speidel, Mellissa Miller, and Keith Vasas

Approval Oct minutes

After review motion made by Jeffery to approve Oct minutes, 2nd by Gladine , all in favor motion passed.

Approval of Treasurer Report

Clark made comment concerning whispering between Sue to solicitor.  He commented it was rude to whisper during a council meeting.  Sue commented “Excuse Me”.   

After review motion made by Jeffery to approve treasurer report, 2nd by Gladine all in favor motion passed.

Solicitor Report

Michael said he did prepare a Resolution on the attorney fees for delinquency payees.  He said he did not do one to increase his own pay.  He was under the impression that he had to wait until January to do that.  He now realizes it has to be passed before and take effect in January.  He will bring to the December meeting. 

As to the per capita taxes, I did reach out to Mrs. Baird the Tax Collector who indicated she would be here this evening for the meeting.  She said she did not know if she had the information for the 2021 and 2022 per capita taxes. 

Pat said she would have the 2021 records on a flash drive that Jessica had given to her but no record for the 2022 per capita since Cassie Burtop had the taxes then.  Tammy would have the 2023 per capita records on a flash drive also that was given to her. 

Pat had said that every year Jessica would have a list of unpaid per capita taxes that was given to the Attorney after a 2nd letter was sent to the persons.  Then the Attorney would send another letter out.  However, nothing was ever done after that on the issue. 

Sue asked if we had a copy of the letter from 2021 and 2023 with the list of unpaid taxes.  Pat said they should be in the tax boxes in the safe. 

Jeffery had asked to see the Resolution for the Attorney fees. 

Michael said then we are just looking at the 2023 records.  Michael said Tammie wasn’t sure we should do this. 

Pat said that is only her opinion.  Council is the deciding factor of whether to take action or not.  She is under no obligation or legally responsible for the decision. 

Sue suggested to do just the 2023 records.  Jeffery said we should still do 2023 since we already voted on it.  Pat said I know for a fact that $145 is still owed for the 2023 per capita people.  Tammie monthly report was just brought over today. 

Jeffery made motion to approve Resolution 4 of 2024 for the raise of attorney fees for collection purposed.  Motion 2nd by Gladine, all in favor motion passed. 

Special Guest - Keith Vasas, GAI Consultants- speaking on new Local Share Grant

Keith said he is here tonight to talk about the LSA Grant, Statewide Program.  I prepared documents for the 5th Street project and also for a second location- South Market St project. 

He had prepared maps before on the entire town location of drains. 

Keith showed council a copy of the map as to where easement rights are and where the drainage system currently is. 

If you guys want to proceed I can then file.  As far as matching funds Is concerned there is none. 

Jeffery asked if the Resolutions are for 5 and 6.  Pat said yes, I have them here.

Jeffery then motions to approve both Resolutions # 5 and # 6 for both 5th street and S Market Street projects.  Motion was 2nd by Gladine, all in favor motion passed.

Jeffery asked if I had to make copies of all the Resolutions and matching documents.  Pat said that is why she had double of the documents so both parties can have originals. 

Public Comment

Heidi had nothing to say.  Mellissa is here for parks. 

Old Business:

Update on LSA Grant from 2023-2024 time period.  Pat said that is the one we have been waiting to hear from for several months now.  I got notification this past week that we did not get the funds again. 

When I was talking to Keith and looking at all the paperwork that was sent, what it seems is the smaller projects are being funded so they the government can approve more projects and more locations.  Pat said she suggested to Keith to possibly take a much needed, worst areas and submit for it rather than the entire town at one time.  Hopefully this will allow us to get approvals and eventually get the town done that way. 

Keith said it is not a ranking system it is funded mostly by the US Senators’.    We need to hit up our Senators and Representatives. 

Pat said New Florence, Derry, Latrobe, Seward, and Ligonier got approved for funding and if you took their amounts and combined them, then it would equal our 1 project. 

No other old business

New Business

 Approval of 2025 tentative budget

Jeffery said Sue has reported to him concerning the figures we had worked on and said the estimate we used were based on all the properties.  It should have been based just on the properties that were being taxed. 

Pat said she got the figures from the Deputy Chief Tax Assessor- Casey Shoup.  He specified we need to use $2,436,510 figure. He emailed me the summary report as of Sept 30, 2024. 

Sue said she got her summary from Camden on 10-23-24 and said we needed to use $2,142,210.  The other figures is to be used for bonding purposes. 

Pat said she could only base the figures on what was sent to me. 

Jeffery said he understands this but we really should be using the lessor amount.  There is a difference of around $6,000.  So on the budget we really need to make the revenue $38,000 instead of the $44,000

Pat asked then where are we going to get the additional funds.  Jeffery asked what our assessed on hand at the end of the year.  Pat said we should still come out to about $60,000 at the end of the year. 

Jeffery said so what we are balancing off of at this time is the $110,134.24.  So why don’t we just take the extra $6,000 from the general fund and leave everything else the same. 

Jeffery asked everyone’s opinion.  Sue said it has to come from somewhere.  Gladine said it sounds reasonable to me too. 

We still have earn income for December to come in yet.  Then let’s just pull the $6,000 from the general fund. 

Sue motions to approve the budget with the corrections, 2nd by Gladine, all in favor motion passed. 

Interest rate on CD currently with S & T bank which is renewing on Nov 9th

Pat spoke to S & T Bank..  Got approval for 11 months at 4.5% Interest rates just dropped again below that.

Somerset Trust has 7 month @ 4.14%   15 month @ 3.65%   22 month @ 3.16 %

In First Bank has 6 month @ 3.6 % 1 yr. @ 4.2%

First National 6 month @ 3.6 % and 5 month @ 4.3 %

Jeffery motion to keep CD’s at S & T Bank, 2nd by Sue, all in favor motion passed.

Pat to talk to S & T in the morning to let them know.  

Citizens Ambulance request for donation

Jeffery asked if we had given a donation in the past.   Mellissa said that John informed us that he would do a ticket and donate the funds to Citizens last year for us.  Not sure if that ever happened.

Keith said he is assuming we are passing on this as well.  Clark said we don’t donate to the Fire Dept.  Jeffery said we pay their workers comp insurance. 

Jeffery said the Borough code authorizes us to be able to donate for something like this. 

Jeffery motions to give them $100, 2nd by Keith, all in favor.  Sue opposes.  Motion still passed.

Emergency Street Repairs- contractor interest

Pat said she talked to Bill Hughes because of him being our emergency street repairs.  Bill said since he moved away he is not coming back to do emergency stuff.  He had asked Ken McGinnis if he would be interest in doing this.  Pat said she spoke to Ken and asked if he was also interested.  Pat explained what all was needed and required by Liquid Fuels for this.  He has presented me with the necessary Insurance and fees for the equipment.  We currently do have his insurance listing the Borough on the policy.  He is very interested in providing service for us. 

Jeffery asked if PENNDOT requires us to bid out for this thing.  Pat said we never bid out for emergency service unless it goes over $13,400.  

Jeffery made motion to approve Ken McGinnis as emergency contractor, 2nd by Sue all in favor motion passed. 

Gladine asked if it is cumulative or per project.  It is combined for the year.  If we use Liquid Fuels funds it is cumulative throughout the year.  If we use General funds there is no top. 

Using Boro workers to put up Christmas decorations on poles. 

Sue made motion 2nd by Jeffery to use the Boro workers and truck to put up the decorations.

Broadband Certification approved & Logo in use when needed. 

Pat said we received a letter of acceptance for the broadband program and they also sent us a LOGO to place on our website so potential bidders know.

Fire Dept. letter.  It reads as follows:

 The officer’s and members of the Bolivar Fire Company will do our best to make sure that no one is parked in the “Yellow” curb area outside of the fire station when fundraisers are in process so as to not interfere with any driver’s line of site when they are stopped at the stop sign in Third Street.

Several suggestion were brought up.

  1. Replace all missing “No Parking” signs around the borough.  This may help driver’s know when they are and are not allowed to park.
  2. At the yellow curb on the parking side, extend an approximately 4 inch wide yellow line out toward the street so as to put a line for drivers to pull up to, then also add a large “NO” for No Parking in the yellow curb area.  If you are not sure what we mean, anyone driving through Ligonier Borough can see what we are talking about.
  3. Wheat ever happened to all the cross walks that the borough painted thru-out the town for adults and children to use to safely cross the roads?  This may be something to try at least around the playground and what few businesses we have in town.

Thank you for your time in these matter.

Sincerely, John Speidel, Fire Chief.   

Jeffery had suggested to Gladine to speak to the Boro workers to possibly extend the yellow lines on the road and place a NP in the area where they are not to park.   

Sue say no one knows what the distance is from the sign on the curb.  Sue said Kathleen’s business is 32 feet.  Paul and Don only painted where Greg had painted.   Sue said to find out what the distance is and kame uniform. 

Any other business to discuss. 

Gladine said we talked about painting the building and new sidewalks out front.  It will be about $2,000 per project so Gladine asked to take the funds out of the storage fund to help cover the cost of building maintenance next year. 

 Mayor Report

Nothing at this time. 

Sewage Report

Meeting next week.

Street Commissioner Report

Gladine said the truck now shows 2974 miles, Kubota shows 81 miles and zero turn shows 1353 hours.

 Jeffery said he has a question concerning the storm drain at the end of McKinley & 1st Street.  It would be worthwhile for Paul and Don to check out because the drain is completely full. 

Also the garage door is not closing again.  Clark asked if we have to pay them every time they come down.  Pat said yes.  Gladine said it is crappy repairs on crappy work.  Pat said it is the bracket that holds the motor.  The bracket is too long and it comes loose so they have to keep coming out.  They will not change the bracket. 

Parks & Rec

 Mellissa said Santa is coming Dec 15th from 4 – 6 pm at the Fire Dept.  The event is called Polar Express.   We also currently are selling ticket @ $5 to help cover the cost of repairs of the benches at the park. 

That’s about it this month. 

The game commissioner was outside looking for the Borough Building.  He gave Mellissa a bunch of signs for hunting for us to put up.  Jeffery suggested the Boro workers can go up and put the signs up. 

No other business motion to adjourn was made by Jeffery, 2nd by Sue at 7:55 PM.


Patricia Betts
