This Meeting will be recorded for Accuracy
Present: Amy Lickenfelt, Ron Betts, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Mayor Tom Pickup, Clark Baird
Absent: Mark Scribe, Street Commissioner
Public Attendance: Pam St.Clair, Dan Short, JR, Monica Pickup, Melissa Miller, Arch Dodson, Don Penrose Rob Robson, Engineer for Storage Garage
Meeting called to order 7 PM by Amy Lichenfelt. Pledge of Allegiance was done.
July 7th Regular Meeting minutes was reviewed. Amy commented on a correction needed to be done on page 5. Sentence concerning Mayor Report. (Lane does not want a curb because the water will only be worse) needs to be stricken from report. This statement was not said the evening of the meeting. This was the result afterwards. Pat stated she will remove. Motion to approve was done by Clark, 2nd by Sue. All approved.
July 26th special meeting minutes was reviewed. Motion to approve was done by Sue, Ron 2nd. All approved.
Aug 1, Bid Opening minutes were reviewed. Jeffery noted on Aug 1 minutes page one comment (Sue stated Vesco needs to be corrected to Mesko & Associates.) Motion to approve was done by Clark, Sue 2nd. All approved.
Treasurer report was reviewed. Motion to approve Treasurer Report was Clark, Sue 2nd motion. All approved.
Solicitor Report. - Nothing but what's on the agenda.
Public comment: Pam St Clair, said the cracks in her front yard were from a gas leak and had a gas leak since April of last year. 2nd, the Boro Worker was painting street signs and was stung by bees. Came into store and purchased bee spray to kill bees.
Next public comment: Arch Dodson- Nothing, Don Penrose- Nothing, Brenda - nothing, Monica- Nothing, Melissa - Nothing, Dan Short- Nothing
Next Item: Awarding of CDBG road Grant Bid.
Arch said he has additional information. He met with Shawn following day. One of the options suggested was 50/50 for additional funds for the road project. Arch talked to Terry Antonacci and was surprised there was only one bid submitted. Arch received a letter, Shawn went to Terry on the 50/50 split. County allocating additional funds, County willing to fund additional $11,582.50 if the Boro would do the same. County total amount would be $102,582.50 and Boro would be $11,582.50. The county would have no objection to award the bid to BCS Construction for the entire amount of $114,165.00. Tom asked if Arch had it in writing. Arch replied, yes. Now it is up to the council to decide if they want to do the 50/50 to complete the entire project. If Council decides then Arch will have the meeting set up by August 15th to do contracts and proceed. Sue made motion to award the bid grant to BCS Construction and the ADA drains for the amount of $114,165.00 and Ron 2nd.
Early intervention committee: Sue still for Council, also committee members, Brad Lickenfelt, Arch Dodson JR, Melissa Miller, Bill Shank, Pam ST. Clair. Amy gave packets to Sue for Melissa to pass around. Announced meeting August 9, 6PM
Next item. Consultant for EIP program appointment. Pat stated her understanding is the meeting on Aug 9 is on the consulting firm. Everyone received a two part packet so questions could be brought up when interviewing the Resource Development & Management Committee who have been invited to attend the meeting. They came in closest to the $40,000. The 2nd company Novac & Associates came in at $65,000.
Storage garage facility update. Rob Robson to speak on this. He has updated drawings to show everyone. He does have a problem with the gas company. They would not talk to him without the account number. Pat to get account information to Mr. Robson. He also needed the Borough address. A new site plan still needs to be done and a new bid award needs to be done.
The original plan had a 3 foot concrete apron, this site will not need one so that will save funds also. Action taken this evening on the project. Motion made by Ron to continue with Mr. Robson Engineers to approve agreement with Boro, Clark 2nd. All approved.
Update on any grants (Arch) No.
Lien fees - Ordinance 2005-3 Schedule of Attorney Fees. Amy questioned attorney fees from 2005. Jeffery states he thought it was $100.00 per hour. Ordinance shows $80.00. Needs to be updated. Put on agenda for next month. Jeff said he has only filed 2 liens since 2008. To update the Ordinance you can do by Resolution and not cost a lot of money.
Jeffery said this Ordinance authorizes the Boro to add additional fees to the cost of cleaning up.
Next item: Code enforcement officer.
Amy authorizes Jeffery to get a Resolution set up for next meeting.
Code Enforcement Officer. Jeffery forgot to do this. He was reminded on the cost to post a notice in the Legal Journal. Amy said to put on agenda for next meeting.
Mr. Penrose located at 667 Washington St concerning the drain. Amy to write the address down for Street Commissioner to check out.
Next Borough meeting Sept 1 2016
Exhaust fan for Quonset hut. Ron came up with the cost amounts for wire and exhaust fan.
Council was talking very low. Arch suggested for them to speak up. No one in audience can hear them.
Fan cost $77.50, 50 feet wire $37.50 Discussion on type of fan to get was done by Sue and several others. Clark made motion to approve the purchase and Amy 2nd.
Amy asked Clark about Police Officer. Clark talked to Mayor in New Florence and has an officer who is willing to alternate every other weekend to keep the officer. Tom said it is his job to schedule not New Florence. Clark said it is Council’s job to hire, and Tom said it is his job to set hours. He will talk to New Florence. Clark commented on the requirement of an officer since we had a grant for the police car. At the current time Pat has not been able to locate the grant documents for the cruiser. Sue concerned whether we had enough funds with all the projects currently going on. Pat to put police officer on agenda again for next month since the town people seem to want an officer.
Frig donation from Legion (Ron) Legion did upgrade of equipment and they donated to Borough. Pat to check with Penelec to pick up and get credit for old frig. (Pat to send thank you letter to Legion.)
Boro Code books $12.00 per book plus $2.50 SH total $14.50 for anyone wishing to purchase a new one. Interested in purchase (Amy, Sue, Clark, Mark, Ron) they to let Secretary know how many to order.
Destruction of Records Resolution 2016-7. Fuel bills, deposit slips, payroll records, bank statements, municipal no lien letters, etc. Clark made motion to adopt Resolution 2016-7 Sue 2nd. Everyone signed. And approved.
No Letters this month.
Sewage Committee. They still looking into trying to find where all the water leakage into system is coming from.
Sue to do Street commissioner report.
See report from the list. Spoke about truck repairs, street hot patch, parts for skid loader, tar for roads, Motion made by Sue to pay for several items purchased during the month, Amy 2nd.
Clark made motion to approve tar and brush 169.30 Sue 2nd. That was purchased at Lowes. Council approved to purchase additional tar to finish the roads. $218.50 Amy made motion to another 5 gal tar and 1 ton asphalt. Ron 2nd
Jeff said we do not need to send another letter if we already sent one on the Nuisance Ordinance to 663 Washington ST to cut grass again and to remove water in the pond.
Jeff said we need proof by use of photos which would help in court if the property owners try to come back on Borough. Tom said we are doing something humane by removing the fish in the pond before draining. Jeff chuckled on this comment. Sue to take the fish to her farm where she has a larger pond.
Mayor report: He put 120 miles on cruiser this past week, just to keep it. He also has several properties to send letters to for the Nuisance Ordinances. He questioned removal broken toys. Jeff says toys really are just an inconvenience. This really is not a nuisance. Standing water, broken glass, lumber are considered a nuisance, because of their hazard that he can defend in court.
Pat stated she has one other item to report for street commissioner report. The $25.00 gift card from Walmart that was approved to use. 10 cans of Wasp & Hornet spray was picked up for total cost $24.10. Borough worker has already used 6 of the 10 cans on the street signs.
Parks & Recreation Report. Dan Short JR states he is President of Rec. On Aug 13, Brickfest is to be held. Fireman to demonstrate, car cruise and park the car’s in the field, vendors, concert, and other things. He also would like to see Council people up at the Brickfest. Time starts 10AM. The Band starts as 6 ends 8pm Mayor said he got a letter from Darlene to close the streets and he is adding another street to it cause he has a right to do it, nothing personal. Last year a vehicle almost got hit because of the cars doing burn out. He said he also got complaints from everyone on the block. Amy asked if we got a request for street closures, and Tom stated he had the list and he was getting with Mark but needed his number. Amy said we need to approve the street closure and Tom said he already did it. Clark questioned the burn out of vehicles and wanted to know if Council approved of this. Amy stated NO. We did not approve. Tom said we never approve of it and they still do it. Every year they continue to do it and no one stops it. Amy commented she stood up there last year and a little boy almost got hit. That right there should be enough for Parks to say to stop doing it and you don’t do it. Council doesn't like it but doesn't know how to stop it. Clark wanted to know who is promoting the burn outs. Dan said no-one is. Council is just sitting back and letting this happen. If we had a police officer on duty are they just going to turn their head and let them go? Amy wanted to know how we can stop this. Dan said we can ask them not to do it. Jeff said if someone in authority walks over and tells them not to do it they will not. Dan said have the Borough put horses and sign up at bottom and top of each street. Amy questioned who the President of Parks and Rec is? Dan stated he is the President and head officer. Tom, said he will be down with Dan at the park and they will talk about it. Arch suggested the DJ can announce throughout the day and let people know, they cannot do burn outs.
Jeffery, everyone uses cell phones and takes photos. If they do burn out against what was told to them then we call state police. Photos are proof who is doing it. It really is too dangerous to do, although it really is neat to watch.
Ron asked Dan if the swings are going to be fixed at the park. They have been broken for two months now. Dan says we fix them and the teenagers breaks again.
Amy wanted to know if the gas company had a limited amount of time to fill the hole after they dig. She was told it takes 30 to 60 days before they have to come out and cover it. Amy says the kids are using the cover she put over the hole as a ramp. Jeffery said to let Peoples know they will be liable if a child gets hurt.
Amy made motion to adjourn, Ron 2nds. Time 8:30 PM
Patricia Betts