August 1, 2019
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy
Meeting was opened by Clark Baird President at 7 PM
Meeting was opened by Clark Baird President at 7 PM
Present: Clark Baird, Ron Betts, Sue Bartow, Calin Gropp, Mayor Tom Pickup, Solicitor Jeff Miller
Absent: Lou McLaughlin
Public Attendance – Alex Ashcroft - Ligonier Echo, Dan Short, JR, Joe Wood, Janine Wood, Earl Joe StClair, Kyle Fritz - EADS Group, Melissa Miller arrived late.
Approval of July 5 regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve made by Ron, 2nd by Sue. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of July 22 Bid opening special meeting minutes. Motion to approve made by Sue, seconds by Clark. All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of Treasurer Report. Motion to approve treasurer report made by Sue, 2nd by Calin, all in favor, motion carried. Clark asked about the proceeds from clean up days. Pat explained the amounts collected and what was used against the proceeds.
Solicitors Report. None at this time.
Special Guest - Dave Ling - for Code Enforcement Officer not here. Put on agenda again for next month.
Special Guest Speaker: Kyle Fritz from EADS Group. He wanted to know if doing the entire project at one time or a small amount over a period of time. EADS Group says they can design the entire town but would have separate bids for each one. I would like to give estimated costs of not to exceed so it will be easier to accomplish. Any type of loans that are involved with storm water projects. The Community Foundation Authority. The issue with the CFA is extremely political. We will submit hundreds throughout the year and only get a handful. We will apply for grants for free, but if we get one then we would apply for a portion as a fee. Ron spoke up that most of the work we did so far is replacing drains, however none of the lines between have been done, and a lot added. Mr. Fritz said they usually phase all the streets under CDBG grants and take care of the storm drains that way. All work will be bid out, and not done by the Boro work force. After all questions were answered, Mr. Fritz left meeting. Discussion was done by council and Pat said she will contact Mr. Fritz in the morning to set up a meeting to walk around town.
Public Comment. Mr. Woods wanted to know if the Code Enforcement Officer will be here today. Mr. Wood explained to Jeffery some of the issues his family is facing. Discussion was made on the next steps to take if any by the Borough. Jeffery wanted to know what steps the Wood's would like the Borough to take. If there is a violation of an Ordinance, the Borough would file a Summery Offense with the Magistrate office. Jeffery said we then would need to file a similar complaint to tie the violations together.
Clark called an executive session to discuss the situation at 7:25 PM
Executive session returned at 7:30 PM - Jeffery to check into proceedings that have already been filed to see what can be done. Jeffery said we also do not have a Code Enforcement Officer nor a regular police officer. We would need to file a complaint with the Court of Common Pleas in Greensburg. Jeffery to give recommendation on what Council is able to do and cost. It is not a minor thing.
Dan Short asked if there was any way we could have the vehicle moved from 8th & Lincoln Street. It is blocking the intersection because of the position of vehicle sitting at the very edge of the street. It is in front of Brinton Scribe home. Boone said one vehicle is not even registered. Clark said he will stop by and ask him to have them removed.
Joe St.Clair said in the July 5th meeting minutes he mentioned the 530 Market Street issue of water running down past the gas house. Gas company said they can actually see the line is viable on both sides and they said they are going to put curbing in front of gas house, around 548 Market St and around the corner to the gas house who is going to put the curb on the road. Is that a PENNDOT issue or a Borough issue. Water comes directly around into my basement. Jeffery said it is a state road and within the right of way of them. He not sure who is responsible for the sidewalks on a state road. Pat suggested Joe go to PENNDOT web site and put a formal complaint about the curbing.
Stone drain issue. The sewage authority came in to camera the storm drain and he wanted to know if the Borough is going to do this in the storm drains for the town? He also wanted to know if there is a map for all the drains in town. Jeffery stated that Art does not want to admit he has one. So the answer is no.
Update on Storage Garage. Council decision on whom to approve or not approve for garage construction. Pat stated Council received several e-mails to discuss. Mr. Robson, USDA and Harrisburg all made comments on the situation from Mr. Huey one of the bidder's for the project. Mr. Huey was unable to obtain a Bid Bond or Performance Bond for the Project which was required by USDA. This is not acceptable by USDA. Council would need to decide whether to take the other bidder's amount for the construction or to reject. Discussion on the situation was made by Jeffery and gave his opinion on the matter to Council. Clark asked if we really needed this garage. The problem with the older garage is there is not cement floor. The dirt floor holds moisture and with the salt being stored inside everything is being rusted and eaten away. We have the plans for the new garage and if we had to borrow the money anyway we should be able to build the garage ourselves.
The decision needs to be made tonight whether we accept the alternative bid of $108,000 or reject. Motion made to reject the bid's by Calin, Clark 2nds. Official vote is Clark against, Calin, against, Sue against, Ron is for the garage. Motion carried to decline the bids and notify the USDA we are not doing the garage. Pat is to notify Keith Lehman from USDA and both bidders. Pat was asked to check with Keith to see if they would allow us to use the grant funds to be put towards a new truck. Also notify S & T Bank that we are not taking a loan with them at this time.
Comcast Renewal update. Jeffery said they actually e-mailed me. They would like to get this straightened out. Jeffery e-mailed her back and she hasn't responded back since then.
Update on Dirt and Gravel Grant. Pat said she has not heard anything on the funds yet.
Update on Boat Launch. Mr. Crounour, said the contract was awarded to Mr. Hardiman for $55,000 and that he also applied and received an addition $4,000 in grant funds. Mr. Hardiman said he was going to start mid August and would let us know when. They are going to make the parking area smaller so they could reduce the costs and be able to do the entire project and also put a sign up for directions to the launch area. They are also taking $2600 off for the bid bond and with being a private grant they do not have to include the bid bond. Jeffery suggested to remind them about the storm drain that runs along the area down there. Hopefully the drain will not be damaged if aware.
Update on ATM Machine. Somerset Bank finally ordered our machine. As soon as it comes in they will start on our machine.
Update on 2nd and McKinley Street issue. Ron got second estimate from Bill Hughes and the cost to replace the drains will run $3737. He will replace the drains connecting the catch basins. The catch basin's are on the CDBG grant. Clark made a motion to pay for repairs and Calin 2nd's. All approved, motion carried.
Update on engineer firms for streets. Pat said she heard from CME Management in Greensburg, H F Lenz in Johnstown, Gibson-Thomas Engineering in Latrobe, and the EADS Group from Johnstown. All are interested in the project and can help with grants to have this done. Each one wants to have a walk around individually. Pat to set up meetings and let Ron, Lou, Calin, and Greg know when they are. Jeffery suggested to place dye in drain by gas house to see where it comes out.
Cell phone towers: Sue to contact Tillson person from Ligonier on cell phone towers in Bolivar. Hopefully we will have something for next meeting.
Issue on 530 Market Street, Highridge is coming in to repair RT 259 they claim is not their issue. A pa one call was put in for them to repair the line.
New Business:
Clean Up Days Results:
$199.00 - minus $8.65 for certified mail - minus $27. for food for workers = deposited $163.35 Tin collected and deposited $65.60
Act 13 funds this year received - $1,212.35 Can be used for public safety or roads.
Sewage report: Ron said camera guy came in and used on 3 different sites. They also did Lichtenfel's on 2nd street. We could only get down 12 feet and hit the blockage.
Rodney Cummings property had limbs in the storm drains and camera could not get by. The other side of the outlet the kids put rocks in the outlet.
The other location was at Cecilia's place. Camera went entire way with no breaks.
Mayor report: Nothing to report.
Street Commissioner Report: Complaint's from Mrs. Cramer and Mr. Penrose, on the alley between their places. Ron informed Mr. Penrose the Borough only has a right- a-way and does not own the alleys. It is up to the homeowner to fix and repair the alley.
Truck report. 32.8 gallon of gas in truck. 160.6 miles
33.5 gallons and 27.1 hrs in zero turn. Put 10 gallons in Greg's truck to go to Johnstown to pick up parts for zero turn. and to pick up diesel fuel at Fairfield. Gas tank has 3 1/2 inch above half full. Leaves 275 gallons of gas in tank.
Other career link crew from Blue Spruce Park have been working on painting the curbs.
Parks & Rec. Brickfest coming up next weekend. Still looking for volunteers to help out. Also applied for grant through Ligonier Endowment and awaiting to hear from them. We have a band at the Legion for the beer tent. Have been for all the events taking place. Hopefully we do good. Collecting the awards for the brick toss in the morning. It has been stressed that no burn outs are allowed at the Car Show.
If no other borough business we need a motion to adjourn. Calin motioned and Ron 2nd. All in favor motion carried at 8:40 PM.
Patricia Betts