
Ordinance # 062-3

Compensation for

Council for Attending

Monthly Meetings

An Ordinance enacted that Councilmen may receive Compensation for Attending Regular Monthly Meetings of the Borough council.

Be it enacted and ordained by the Borough council of Bolivar Borough and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Authority of the same and in pursuance to the Authority granted to Boroughs in Section 1001 of Act 194 of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and amended October 21, 1955, P.L. 710 further amended.

Section 1. That Councilmen of Bolivar borough receive compensation fixed at $3.00 per meeting for attending regular monthly council meetings, this amount is based on the population of Bolivar which is 715 (Last Census Taken.)

Section 2. No compensation shall be paid in any month to a Councilman who have not attended the regular meeting of Council during the month.

A record will be kept and Councilmen will be paid at end of each fiscal year to the number of meetings attended.

Enacted and ordained in Council this 2nd day of January 1962

Peter. J. Bonavero

Council President


Erma McCartney


Approved this 5th day of February A.D. 1962

J. E. Snyder


Original Ordinance on file in Vault