Bids for pavement of
Washington Street
Whereas, the Council of Bolivar Borough had advertised for bids for the improvement of Washington Street from fifth street to the Borough line in accordance with the specifications set forth therein, and
Whereas, a bid was received from Quaker Sales Corporation, P.O. Box 870, Johnstown PA in the amount of $1.98 per square yard, for a total of $7,920.00 and,
Whereas, said Corporation was the lowest responsible bidder.
Now therefore, be it resolved, by the Council of Bolivar Borough, in Council assembled, and it is hereby resolved by the authority of the same,
Section.1. That the bid of Quaker Sales Corporation, P.O. Box 870, Johnstown Pennsylvania at $1.98 per square yard for a total of $7,920.00 be, and the same is hereby accepted for the paving of Washington Street from fifth Street to the Borough line, with a 2 1/2 id-2 bituminous surface.
Section 2. That the President and Secretary be and are hereby authorized to sign any and all necessary contracts and other papers incidental thereto to carry into effect this Resolution.
Resolved in special Council meeting of the Board of Directors on this 17th day of September 1956 A.D.
Frank Henderson
Erma M. McCartney
Approved this 17th day of September A.D. 1956
Donald.O. Henderson
Original on file in Vault