# 220
Resolution of Support from Bolivar Borough for Reimagining Our Westmoreland
WHEREAS, institutional stakeholders, local governments, private industry, and nonprofits collectively identified a need for a unified community vision that can increase quality of life and economic prosperity within Westmoreland County;
WHEREAS, numerous community stakeholders came together to help develop Reimagining Our Westmoreland and implement an actionable community vision;
WHEREAS, it was recognized that any successful plan for the future of Westmoreland County must be grounded in the needs, wishes, and desires of residents and community stakeholders;
WHEREAS, over the course of two years, Reimagining Our Westmoreland engaged over 5,000 residents through a variety of in-person and online outreach methods, including 34 community workshops, 11 focus groups, interviews with more than 20 stakeholders, various presentations to local organizations, and an interactive website with surveys and mapping tools;
WHEREAS, the feedback, ideas, and visioning provided by the community at-large through the outreach process formed the foundation of the Reimagining Our Westmoreland Comprehensive Plan;
WHEREAS, based upon community input, the Plan prioritizes seven core objectives for action: (1) Align Workforce, Education, Employers and Entrepreneurship; (2) Discover Westmoreland; (3) Reposition Our Towns; (4) Connect with Parks and Nature; (5) Build Healthy and Whole Communities; (6) Plug into the New Economy; and (7) Create Transportation Choices;
WHEREAS, Reimagining Our Westmoreland recommends strategies, policies, programs, and projects to achieve these goals, and any plan is only as successful as the ability to implement and produce results;
WHEREAS, we Bolivar Borough, as a partner in developing Reimagining Our Westmoreland, see it as a vital tool to making Westmoreland County one of the best places in Pennsylvania to live, work, play, visit, and invest;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we Bolivar Borough on January 6, 2020___ enthusiastically endorse the Plan and commit to supporting the implementation of Reimagining Our Westmoreland where it aligns with our organizational mission, resources, and internal goals.
_Clark Baird__________________ Patricia Betts_______________
Clark Baird, Council President Patricia Betts, Secretary/Treasurer
January 6, 2020_______________ January 6, 2020_______________
(Date) (Date)