Ordinance # 016
Revising Side Lines
and Relocating Public
Roads in Town
Revising the side lines and relocating the public road or street from the extension of Lincoln Street from a point at approximately the northeastwardly face of the arch of the subway conducting said Lincoln Street under and beneath the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to a point approximately 590 feet eastwardly thereof.
Section I. Be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Bolivar, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same that the portion of Conemaugh Street being the extension of Lincoln Street from a point at approximately the northeastwardly face of the arch of the subway conducting said northeastwardly face of the arch of the subway conducting said Lincoln Street under and beneath the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to a point approximately 590 feet eastwardly thereof, be, and the same is hereby revised and relocated so that the strip street shall be located entirely and solely in and upon the strip of land described as follows:
"Beginning at a point on the center line produced of Lincoln Street Pennsylvania Rail Road under grade crossing in the Borough of Bolivar, 6 feet N 19 degree 55' of north face of arch; thence N 70 degree 05" W 16.5 feet to a point; thence by a curve to the right having a radius of 71.5 feet 109.38 feet to a point of said curve being tangent to a line parallel to the center line of above described and under grade at the point of beginning of the curve, thence S. 70 degree 40"E 145.5 feet to a point: thence by a curve to the left having a radius of 1074.68 feet 385.02 feet to a point 24.5 feet north of north face or P.R.R. retaining wall, thence S. 1 degree 12" E 24.5 Feet to the north face of said retaining wall, thence a curve having a radius of 1161.28 feet 380.07 feet to a point; said curve being parallel throughout to the above named curve having radius of 1074.68 feet, and falling approximately along north face of said retaining wall, thence N 72 degree 27" W 161.0 feet to a point; thence by a curve to the left having a radius of 38.5 feet 58.78 feet to a point, thence N 70 degree 05" W. 16.5 feet to the point of beginning.
Section II. That all ordinances or Resolutions or parts thereof inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Enacted and Ordained this 6th day of June AD. 1927
S. W. Byers
President of Council
J.E. Robertson
Secretary of Council
Approved this 6th day of June AD 1927
J. E Snyder
Chief Burgess
J.E. Robertson
Secretary of Council
Original Ordinance on file in Ordinance book page 48