Ordinance # 013
Laying out and
opening of
Conemaugh Street
Authorizing the laying out and opening of Conemaugh Street in the Borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Section I. Be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the Borough of Bolivar, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same that a public highway or street shall be surveyed, laid out, and opened in said Borough. Beginning at the beginning of the end of a public highway or street known as Lincoln Street in said Borough, there by a center line, curving to the right with a radius of fifty-five (55) feet for a distance of eighty-six (86) feet, thereby said line South seventy-two (72) degrees, twenty-seven (27) minutes East a distance of one hundred sixty one (161) feet, thereby said line curving to the right with a radius of eleven hundred twenty and eight tenths (1120.8) feet, a distance of three hundred eight two and five tenths (383.5) feet thence by said line North eighty eight (88) degrees forty eight (48) minutes East to the line of the Township of Fairfield said County and State,
Section II That said highway or street so surveyed, laid, and opened shall extend for a distance as herein before set forth and shall be surveyed, laid out and opened for a width of 23.5 feet.
Section III. That said highway or street so surveyed, laid out and opened shall be known and assigned in the plan or plot of said Borough as Conemaugh Street.
Section IV. That all Ordinances or Resolutions or parts thereof inconsistent here with be said the same are hereby repealed.
Enacted and Ordained this 2nd day of May AD. 1927
S. W. Byers
President of Council
J.E. Robertson
Secretary of Council
Approved this 12th day of May AD 1927
J. E Snyder
Chief Burgess
J.E. Robertson
Secretary of Council
Original Ordinance on file in Ordinance book page 45