


Authorizing sale

of Timber

A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Standing Timber Pursuant to Section 1201 of the Borough Code (53 P.S. Section 46201)

Whereas, the Borough of Bolivar is the owner of certain real estate located in Fairfield Township, Pennsylvania which has standing timber, and

Whereas, the Borough of Bolivar wishes to sell that timber to the highest responsible bidder, the proceeds of which will be used for the general welfare and benefit of the Borough and its residents, and

Whereas, Section 1201 of the Borough Code require that sale of such personal property be by Ordinance or Resolution.

Now Therefore, be it resolved and it is hereby Resolved that Bolivar Borough shall sell standing timber located on its property in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania to Allegheny Wood Products for the sum of $64,982.00

Cark Baird

President of Council


Kelly Lupacchini


Arthur Sisitki


Original on file in Vault