

This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Brittany Miller, President at 7:30 PM

PresentBrittany Miller, Brittany Hughes, Jessica Betts, Ron Betts, Everett Saxton

Absent:  Mellissa Miller

Public Attendance:  none

Approval of January meeting minutes.

Motion made to approve January minutes made by Jessica, 2nd by Ron, all in favor motion passed.

Approval of treasurer report for January

Motion made to approve treasurer reports made by Brittany Hughes, 2nd by Jessica, all in favor motion passed.

Old Business

Update on 2023 Schedule of Events

Pat reported we still need $150 to finish covering the May 28 concert cost was $350 sponsored by Hershberger Ins and Wright Trucking  (Band is Krazy Kat Daddy)

June 11 polka concert is paid in full $600 cost sponsored by Stuarts Funeral Home NF & Beauforts Electric in Ligonier)

July 9th concert is paid in full $500 cost sponsored by (NRG Sub Station in Seward) 3 of Hearts Band

October 21 movie is paid in full $300 for license sponsored by (McInchok Sanitation)

Brick-fest in August need $500 for 1 band and possibly $400 for 2nd band.   Plus the DJ cost of $175.

Sept 10th band need $450.00

Pat spoke to Somerset Trust the day before and hinted for possible coverage of ½ of fireworks for Brick fest if we vote on doing fireworks.  We could possibly use the $2500 from the Borough to help cover the cost if everyone agrees on this.  Everett asked for the cost of the liability insurance.  Pat said the fireworks company gets the insurance, not us.  Our solicitor issues the fireworks permit not me. 

Discussion was made on doing fireworks by Brittany Miller. She feels there is more things that could be done with the funds than to use for fireworks.  The funds could be used more wisely on playground equipment.  Brittany Hughes is not a fan of fireworks either.  It could be used more towards the kid’s things. 

Brittany says she puts so much time into the playgrounds she hates to see it go to waste on fireworks.  The walking track needs worked on also. 

Pat said each year we end up putting the majority of the $2500 into the port-a-johns for the summer. 

Everett commented we could put in permanent restrooms.  Pat said the cost is extensive.  We need to install water and sewage, getting an engineer to draw up the plans, putting up the buildings.  This is a lot of money so we are trying to include into a grant for this.  We also would like to see permanent restrooms at the upper park. 

Brittany said she also knows how much time she spends on doing grants.  Now Myers wants to redo the baseball field.  He wants to bring the t-ball games back.  Also the cost of getting the trees reshaped and some cut down. 

Jessica suggested to table the fireworks discussion for a later date to see if anymore sponsorship funds come in.  

Pat asked Brittany if her dad gave Myers the driver record application for him to complete to have him added onto the insurance to use the equipment to help Paul. 

Pat said she did talk to the insurance company and was told that anyone who volunteers to help in the parks, whether it be cutting down trees or working on playground equipment and gets hurt we are covered.  We do not need a special rider.  Both parks are already included on the policy for liability.  The hurt person uses their own medical insurance to pay for their medical expense.  The Borough falls under “Government Indemnity” for any lawsuits against the Borough.  

Update on sponsorship letters:

Mellissa has been sending those out.  So far we got $1600 so far to help defray the cost of the bands.

Mellissa was trying to get someone to sponsor the tea-shirts for parks and was going to check with Pam in this.

Mellissa was also trying to get Tri-Star to sponsor the car show.  Brittany said Tri Star is out so Mellissa was checking with Laurel Auto Group to see if they would be interested in sponsoring the Car show.  Brittany said she had to write a specific letter for them to help cover the cost. 

Update on Vendor Letters:

Pat said she has received funds and application from the Kettle Corn guy.  We definitely have him.  Also received a call from M & J Gaming, they are coming.  They do carnival games.  We have been trying for past several years to have both and this year we do.  The carnival games we may have 2 different trailers of games, depending on a contact for an event they are doing the next day. 

Jessica said we found this company at a food event in Blairsville in May last year. 

Pat said it is still early but in April I send out a reminder.  I have already sent out 60 applications.

Update on February 26 painting project. 

Brittany asked if it was ok to use the Borough building for this.  Pat said Mellissa told her it was ok to use because we are a part of the borough per Jeffery. 

Jessica asked  if we have kids doing this also.  Brittany said she stopped it at 26 people and we have a variety of age groups.  She had more who wanted to do it so we are going to do another in March. 

Pat asked if we are charging more in March so parks can get something out of it.  Parks is not making anything on this one.  Jessica said she could also ask the Legion if we could use their upstairs if need be. 

New Business:

Any grants opened and applied for:

Brittany said she started another DCNR grant.  Pat said to talk to Kim Ward office. Brittany said they have a small community grant she would like to apply for.  She was talking to Fairfield TWP and was told that doing a small grant for say $10,000 DCNR doesn’t even want to look at it but doing say a grant for $100,000 they are interested in.

Brittany said she has been at the lower park and the walking trail is in need of repairs because of the tree roots.  Are we going to do a skate park, restrooms, and bleachers for ball field!  

Pat mentioned about Keith Vasas, the Borough engineer and wondered if he would look at the grant paperwork for us.  She to contact him and ask.     In the meantime Pat gave Brittany the information for Keith. 

Brittany will start with Kim Ward and then Keith Vasas.  Will discuss outcome at our March meeting.

Pizza Coupons for 2023

Pat said the coupons are out at the various businesses and will put flyers up at the Post Office and Borough Office.  Coupons are the same price as last year $14 for 1 large 2 topping. 

Parks Clean Up Day May 20th

Pat and Jessica said we are going to be gone that weekend for graduation in Virginia.  We have 2 graduations that day. 

Brittany asked if this is when we do the flower beds and so forth.  She said is Art doing this?  Pat said not sure if he is doing this year for us.  Ron mentioned that Art said he wasn’t going to do anymore because our Borough worker at the time cut the grass clippings and went into the beds instead of mowing the other way.  Brittany will talk to Art about this. 

Do we want to keep the 20th of May or change?  Decision was to keep the 20th.

Also the candy canes need to come down.  Brittany said that Myers will get to it.  Also the concession stand needs to be straighten out before the May concert. 

Any other Business?

Brittany said Mellissa was looking at the cow plop game.  Possibly do 150 squares instead of 100 squares.  Also if the cow plop goes on several different plops then the prize money would be split into the different squares.  She was going to start to make tickets like now. 

Pat asked about having a DJ during the cow plop.  Are we going to have one?  I know we talked about doing 50/50 and walk arounds.  Pat suggested she could talk to Wayne Gehring and see if he could do it that day.  Brittany said go ahead and talk to him and see what he says. 

Ron motions to adjourn, Jessica 2nd motion to close at 8:15 PM


Patricia Betts
