
This Meeting was recorded for Accuracy

Meeting was opened by Lewis McLaughlin, Council President at 7 PM.

Present: Lewis McLaughlin, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller, Ron Betts, Keith St.Clair and Gladine McMaster

Absent: Mayor, Tom Pickup

Public Attendance: Zackary and Cassandra Burtop, and Dan Short, JR
Special Guest - Keith Vasas from CME Engineering

Approval April meeting minutes. Sue complaining about the Borough worker not cleaning the streets that he would be insubordinate and that something would be done about it. Lou stepped in and said, we haven't had a truck that was working. Any other questions? Motion to approve minutes made by Ron 2nd by Gladine, all in favor motion carried.

Approval of Treasurer Report. Sue asked about the $539.00. Wanted to know if that was from the extra trees that were fallen. Sue also asked about the fund for the sale of a radio. Pat said the radio was from the first sale and the 2nd radio was just sold. Motion to approve treasurer reports made by Gladine, 2nd by Keith, all in favor motion passed.

Solicitors Report – Jeffery states he has nothing to report.

Special Guest - Keith Vasas in 2021 CDBG Storm Water Project.
Grant approved for phase 1 construction on 5th Street in the amount of $149,150.00 the way the grant was broken down into 4 phases. The first phase goes from the river to Market Street. 2nd phase from Market Street thru Washington St where the blow out occurred. It's more expensive because of the large boxes and piping going into the river. Also included is the permits because of the discharge into the river. May be able to do a general permit since you already have discharge piping down there.
You might want to consider putting the piping under the state road if the bids come in low enough.

Jeffery asked question concerning phase 2 project and whether there was any way we could get enough piping to get to 5th & Washington. Based on your estimate what would it take to get to Washington St?

Keith said it would be around another $148,000 from Market thru Washington. If bids come in low we could bid a lineal price on piping and continue going and also go under Market St. Estimate fee to do the HOP permit is $4,000 then be good for 1 year. Motion made for Keith Vasas to apply for HOP permit for drilling under Market St by Lou, 2nd by Keith, all in favor motion passed.

Pat's question to Keith on the American Rescue Plan the money coming to the Municipalities this June and also next June, would we be able to use those funds to purchase additional piping to come up to Washington St.
Keith said if we met all the requirements for the funds then it can be used for this purpose.

Jeffery as a concerned citizen. We cannot let 5th Street go for another year or two. We need to somehow get funding to fix it. Keith said he could show an alternate to go from Market St to Washington St since we already have the engineering completed and include in the bidding.

Public Comment. No one had any questions or comments.

Old Business:

Update on 2020 CDBG
McCormick Taylor bid notice for paper. Pat gave dates for the advertisement. Will take bids until June 3 at the Borough office until 2 PM. Bids opened June 3 during council meeting at 7 PM.  If mailing, bids must be in no later than June 2 at noon. Ad to go into the Indiana Gazette, Johnstown Tribune, and Trib Review on May 12, and May 17th. Mr. Prisk needs to get approval from county before May 12th to get into newspaper. Lou asked how much money it will cost. Pat said the Trib Review ran approx $500, Johnstown Trib was over $300 and Indiana Gazette was around $200. So were looking around $800 to $900 total.  Gladine motion to authorize for advertisement for approx $800, 2nd by Lou, all in favor motion passed.

Logging update.
Pat said we did get the additional funds from HMI for the extra trees that were damaged and or blown down during the winter. Project is completed and done now.

Borough Truck issue. Ron said was fixed. Nathan had to take steering column completely out because pin dropped out of column. Cost was $165.00 to fix this time. Gladine motion to pay Nathan, 2nd by Keith, all in favor motion passed.

Skid steer issue: Ron talked to Nathan on the issue. He to take skid steer up to his place, weld bucket, fix brakes and anything else wrong with it to make it safe and legal. Everyone agreed.

Salt and Anti-skid storage bins. Ron had a flyer from a costar's dealer that sales the portable tops for approx $10,000. Discussion was made on several options. Size to be 30 x 48 long. Ron said 2 16 ft bins wide. Keith suggested locking stones and to get a car port top to put on top. Keith to check on cost for locking stone from his brother. Should go up around 9 feet with stone.

Sale of remaining police equipment thru Municibid. Lou motion to place remaining equipment for $50 or best offer for all three items together, 2nd by Gladine, all in favor motion passed. Equipment is police siren, emergency bar light, and gun rack.

New Business

Next meeting June 3 at 7 PM

Potholes under first arch. Pat received confirmation from PennDot the potholes have been patched.

Lead Hazard Control Program - Everyone has flyers on the projects. Homes built before 1978. Pat to post on Bulletin Board at Post office for general public to see.

Emergency Rental Assistance Program. County has program to help renters pay their bills if behind.

C-Pace Program (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy Program) for local businesses that can fund clean energy projects.

Treasurer Bond: Bond came in for $100,000. Question is does council want to raise the amount to $150,000 since funds have increased. Pat question FWF on the cost of additional monies.

Sue asked where the revenue came from. Pat said the logging fund, tax increases and so forth.  It is still up to the council whether they want to keep the bond the same or increase.

Dumpster for Quonset hut. Greg has to go around to local businesses to ask to use their dumpster for Borough trash. Why can't the Borough get a trash bin for the Quonset hut? Discussion was made and motion to get 1/2 yard dumpster made by Keith, 2nd by Ron at a cost of $45.00 per month. All in favor motion passed.

Letter from Fire Dept. They are requesting the Borough to apply for the Special Permit to close the road for the Firemen's Parade this year. Pat said she is not going to do it for them. He wants us to get the Liability insurance and prior approval from Fairfield Twp all before sending to PennDot. This take approx 2 months to get. Discussion was made on this and decision was made to offer for us to review the application after they complete it and sign anything that requires us to sign, and also offer an alternative route if they do not want to get the permit from the state. 

Sue asked if we ever paid them this year for the portion of the insurance to cover the fire vehicles.  Sue motioned to pay Fire Dept their insurance bill of $1700, Keith 2nd, all in favor motion passed.

Lou to go onto checking account. Ron motions to put Lou on Account 2nd by Gladine. All in favor motion carried.

Sue brought up Yard Sale Day June 19 and Clean up Day June 26. Need dumpster for then. Pat to have signup sheet for next meeting.

Lou motion to pay for hopper for clean- up day up to $500 all in favor motion carried. Pat to have price list for next meeting also.

Sewage Report: Sue said meeting next week.

Mayor report: Pat said Mayor called and said he was going to be here but because it was prom night he had no one working so he had to work.

Street Commissioner Report

Zero miles on Truck and zero gas used on truck. Put 8.1 hours on zero turn and used 15.63 gallon gas.

Received 1 request to patch potholes in town.

Ron requesting a gas powered vibrator to compact asphalt. The vibrator has 2000 lb force. Cost is $439.95. Discussion made and Gladine motion to approve 2nd by Lou, Sue against. Motion passed.

Comment made concerning several signs that got bent over during winter months, a pot hole by Dodson's is getting big, and also Water Street at Burtop's to build up to keep vehicles from bottoming out.

Parks & Rec. Report

Parks clean up day coming up on the 15th of the month... First concert on the 30th of May. They will also do a Memorial tribute. Also working with Legion on a lottery ticket to go off June 1 thru June 5th. Cost of ticket is $10

Lou asked if any other business to discuss.

Sue asked Ron about some issues that was going on when truck was over at Lear's. Truck has been down for a month and also that supposed Greg told Mr. Lear he was in no hurry. Now Lear is burnet, Nixon's is burnet and no one wants to work on the Borough Truck. Also it's been 5 weeks that no work has been done on the streets. There has been 5 piles of dirt still out there. Greg went around and picked up 4 piles and left the 5th pile. When is he going to pick it up? Ron told Sue to pick it up if she is so worried about it.

Ron made motion to adjourn. Lou said he is not going to listen to this grade school stuff in open public, this meeting is adjourned. Keith 2nd the motion. Time is 8:45 PM. Note: was handed a note from Gladine who also 2nd the motion in writing.


Patricia Betts