Concert in Burkey Park from 4- to 6 PM. Band "Long Road Home .
We are also having our 2nd Annual Cow Plop Event from 2 to 4 PM. Come join for the fun. Wild Music, pull tickets, food, drink and entertainment. Purchase a plot for $20 and hope to win 1/2 of the Prize money if the cow plops on your plot. Only 120 plots being sold. Your chance to win $1200.
Be Aware: If the cow does not plop at the close of the event at 4 PM then what ever plot the cow's left hind foot is on is the winner. Also if the cow plops on two squares or the cow's left hind foot is on 2 squares then the winning amount of the $1200 will be split in 2 and each person will walk away with $600.
Also note: The number on your ticket is not your number. Your name will be assigned to a number randomly and you will be given a map of the game at entry to the event. Each plot will be shuffled by the computer and not in numeric order.
Band is sponsored by the following business