
February 4 2016, Regular Meeting  

This Meeting was Recorded For Accuracy

Present: Amy Lickenfelt, Art Sisitki, Ron Betts, Dan Short, JR, Sue Bartow, Solicitor Jeff Miller. Mayor Tom Pickup Absent.

Public Attendance: Mike Blotzer, Pam Lamantia, Arch Dodson, Greg Hughes, Bill Hughes

Amy Called meeting to order 7:00 PM

Motion made by Ron Betts to approve re-organization meeting 2nd by Sue.

Motion made to approve regular meeting minutes by Sue 2nd by Ron.

Treasurer report - Motion to approve by Art 2nd by Dan Short.

Solicitor report - None.

Public Comment: Mr. Mike Blotzer concern on plowing of snow on his side of street. Not fair for him to move so much snow and his neighbor's across street only has very little to shovel. Wants Ordinance changed. Art commented we have a snow removal policy in effect because of emergency vehicles.

Greg Hughes also commented on the snow removal policy in front of his mother's property. Is there any possibility to have residents move vehicles to plow one side and then move them to plow other side?

Solicitor, Jeff Miller stated other municipalities do something similar to that. Arch Dodson, also commented on the snow removal for sidewalks and stated the Borough has never cited any homeowners for not having sidewalks cleared. In large snow emergencies everyone has a problem with what to do with the snow.

Mr. Blotzer volunteered to have the extra snow put onto his property on a concrete slab. Stated he would also sign a waiver for the town to be authorized to put snow on his property. He also would put markers where the slab is located and to use his side yard if need be.

Amy stated this comes up each year and council has decided not to change ordinance for snow removal. Solution by Jeffrey would be to take extra caution and try not to plow everyone in by switching plow on each side. Art to speak to Boro worker on possibility of switching sides where housing is located. Ron also commented on the anti-skid going into Mr. Blotzer’s property. Mr. Blotzer didn't mind, he to make his side yard a parking area anyway in the future. Art stated in emergency every agreement is out and the fire department and police have a plan to get to all residents in case of fire. Snow emergency plowing will kick in.

Arch, no public comment.

Pam Lamantia no comment.

Bill and Greg Hughes - Comment on Westview Cemetery. Bill wants to use the Borough building to hold public meeting to re-organize and create a council for Westview Cemetery and keep their records at the Borough. Board Members also want to purchase a good file cabinet to be kept at the Borough to store their files. They are required to hold at least 3 meetings per year. Discussion was made on burial plots being duplicated. Bill cannot get into bank accounts without meeting minutes and a group of board members to handle affairs of cemetery. Bill states cemetery insurance and tax exempt documents are lapsed as well.

Sue questioned tax exempt status. Bill explained exempt status not taxes. Greg just wants to store files here to get started and wants the meetings to be held at boro building. Jeffery will check on several questions of concern and will get back to Bill before public meeting.

Motion was started by Sue to let Westview Cemetery personnel use building for meetings and for them to purchase a file cabinet to keep there for their files. Motion 2nd by Ron. Motion approved by all.

Grants. Arch spoke to Terri Antonochi - CDBG grants to be sent out shortly. Very favorable. He also talked to Keith Layman for extra funds on the storage facility. Any additional funds are very limited and probability won't be available for us to use unless in a loan status... Our original funds are still there and if a bid is awarded then we need to move forward with what we currently have, but I want to caution you if no additional funds are available other than USDA loans then "council needs to bite the bullet and do something". Loan is currently 3.25 % and will be locked in at that if we start process now. Alternate heating was put in as electric forced air heat.

Sue states she received a phone call on one of the packages. Arch asked who it was and Sue stated it doesn't matter who it was. Sue was questioning alternates on the heat. She quite did not understand this. Arch explained the charges if the borough did some of the projects on their own and that would eliminate some of the total cost. We could choose to do some of the project cost and that would reduce the cost of the project. Sue asked if a contractor could come back on us if we do grading incorrectly. Arch and Jeffery stated the answer is no. It is all part of the package. Getting the grading before is not an alternate it is the after grading. Arch stated no local contractors have put a bid in yet.

Arch stated he will have a copy of prints at the Archery Shop for anyone to look at. He failed to do this before because he was unaware of this.

Sue stated she personally is not approving to get any additional loan on the project. Arch stated that is up to entire council to decide.

Arch stated from Decoplan Associates the window grant is not available to us. The grant is not available to municipal governments.

Led lighting can be done at no cost to borough. Amy just needs to sign documents tonight to get process started. Penelec will start a new contract with us since they already own the lights and poles. If we had a pole light changed within the past 5 years we would then be required to pay a prorated fee to have the head changed, otherwise we won't be charged anything. We can do 24 lights at a time. Savings will be approx $1200 per year going with a 90 watt led light.

Arch showed wattage chart of different watts and energy savings per wattage.

Also if we did not like the wattage size we would have to pay to have a higher wattage installed after original installation.

Dan made motion to go with LED lighting 90 watts, Sue 2nd. Motion passed.

Consulting firm with Tom tabled to next month.

Police cruiser inspection completed.

Cd's - renewable CD was changed to another 24 month CD with better interest also purchased another $2500. with same time, 24 month period.

Motion made to purchase the additional CD by Amy 2nd by Sue.

Camera for drains, Sewage Company not interested. Art did find a company in Latrobe or Mount Pleasant who rents cameras.

Sunshine notice reposting tabled until next month.

Remaining funds from carryover in General account. Questioned to stay in General account or go to Capital reserve account. Jeffery suggested to just remain in General account. Sue motion to stay there Amy 2nd.

Yearly audit results. Everyone has a copy. Auditor charged $3000. Posting of results in Indiana Gazette this past Sunday, January 31st.

Discussion of Boro Building by Pat. Clean up of old computer equipment and shredding of old papers in cabinets. It was noted to make a list of all old equipment that can be destroyed. Amy to oversee. Pat explained on what would like to be done with Library area, Secretary area, and Street commissioner area. Also rearrangement of boro council tables and public chairs.

Ron asked Jeffrey how we could get rid of the broken items and equipment. Jeffrey stated our minutes are the documents of destroying equipment. Amy can oversee what goes out of building so there will be no question. Pat stated the municipal retention records were downloaded and will follow those guidelines for shredding. A resolution can be drawn up for documents that are being destroyed. Pat states Melissa will help with the Library portion. Also Ron was fixing windows and Amy says Ron can purchase what he needs to fix them. Jeffery has window glazing and pins to fix windows.

Sue made motion for Amy to oversee Pat when she destroys documents and machinery to get rid of. Everyone agrees.

Sue motions for Pat to purchase a new commercial shredder for total of $179.00 and an extra 3 year warranty for $29.99 it also includes a $20.00 rebate. Amy 2nds. Motion passed.

Letter: Fire department donation. We don’t do because we pay for their workers comp and insurance.

Sue mentioned insurance on old fire truck sold. Amy gave John Speidal permission to contact insurance company to remove insurance

Sewage Committee: Ron states he is now Vice President or Sewage Committee, and Cecilia is still President. Sue is trying to get onto Sewage council. They also have a new member Lennie Lichenfels.

Dates for our council members on board, Ron runs out in 2017, Greg in 2019 and Tom 2020

Street commissioner: 2 new tires on skid steer, and replaced u- joint on boro truck.

Parks & Rec. Schedule put together but not printed yet.

Amy had a Thank you from Tom on job well done during snow storm.

Sue questioned about Ron Houck 17 hours. Ron brought up about the hours during winter months. Discussion was made by all. Boone said Jim told him last year he did not want to plow during winter. Ron says we have 20 hours during winter months with boro workers at 10 hours each, unless it was snowing and plowing needed to be done. Art then stated when Jim was laid off until April there was not an option to call back like before. Art said Tom ran the show during snow storm and called Jim out.

Adjournment: 8:30PM


Patricia Betts


Amended statement page 4. 2nd paragraph where Amy says Ron can purchase what he needs to fix them. Should read the additional statement. After Amy says Ron can purchase what he needs to fix them. it should also state everyone on council agrees.