
Ordinance 1905

Bolivar Light,

Heat, & Power Co

right to use

 Streets and Roads

An Ordinance granting to the Bolivar Light, Heat, and Power Company the right to use and occupy the streets, roads, lanes, and alleys in the Borough of Bolivar in the County of Westmoreland, Pennsylvania for the purpose of erecting, maintaining, repairing, and operating an electric plant in the said Borough of Bolivar, for the purpose of supplying light, heat, and power to the public and to such persons, partnerships, and corporations residing in the said Borough may desire the same.

Section 1. That the Bolivar Light Heat and Power Co, it successors and assigns for the purpose of supplying light, heat, and power or any of them to the public, and to such persons, partnerships, and corporations residing within said Borough as may desire the same is hereby authorized to erect, construct, and maintain and operate, and from time to time repair, and electric plant in the said Borough as may desire the same is hereby authorized to erect, construct, and maintain and operate, and from time to time repair an electric plant in the said Borough and for that purpose to use and occupy so much of the streets, roads, and alleys of the said Borough as may be necessary and convenient in construction, maintaining, and repairing the necessary lamps, posts, cross arms, wires, and switches connections, and other necessary and convenient electrical appliances, subject, however, to all the other provisions of this Ordinance.

Section 11. That in the erection, construction, maintenance and operation of said poles, cross arms, wires, switches, connections, lamps, and other electrical appliances, the said streets, roads, lanes, and alleys are to be permanently occupied in such manner as still be least likely to interfere with the customer and ordinary uses thereof, and only on such portions thereof, are to be occupied as are herein set forth, to wit:

All poles shall be set immediately inside the curb except in such of the said streets, roads, lanes and alleys as have a pavement less than six feet in length. All of said poles shall be at least thirty feet height and of such thickness and width as will insure safety in the operation thereof. They shall be straight, will trimmed, and when set up, shall be painted to the height of at least ten feet from the surface of the street. They shall be set in holes at least five feet in depth and shall be securely fastened therein, and upon the completion of the said poles, the said streets, lanes, and alleys are to be put in as good condition as they were before the construction began, except so far as their condition may be necessarily interfered with by the character of the structure and erection herein provided for: 

Section III. The said Bolivar Light Heat and Power Company shall further have the right to lay in the streets, lanes, and alleys of the Borough of Bolivar for the purpose of placing therein wires for the transmission of light heat and power and for the conveyance there through of heat from said electric plant or such plants as it shall hereafter, construct provided, that all pipes shall be laid at least three feet in depth and the streets shall be left in as good repair after the said pipes are laid as before.

And provided further that no new pipe lines shall be laid on any of the streets, lanes, or alleys, of the said Borough between the first day of November and the first day of April.

The said Bolivar Light Heat and Power Co. shall have the right to make repairs to such pipe line and wires laid therein at any time at any time that may be necessary, but shall at all times make the repair as speedily as possible and shall leave the said streets, lanes, and alleys in as good condition after the repair is made as they were before commencing.

Section IV. That the Bolivar Light Heat and Power Company before entering upon and occupying the said roads, lanes, streets, and alleys or any of them shall execute and deliver its bond with proper sureties in the sum of two thousand dollars to be approved by the town Council of the Borough of Bolivar conditioned for the faithful performance of and compliance with the terms, conditions and requirements of this Ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless the said Borough of Bolivar from any and all damages that may result from the construction, maintenance, operation and repairing of the said electric system as aforesaid.

Ordained into an Ordinance this 3rd day of April 1905

Alonzo Barnett

Council President


L.L. Hammond

Secretary of Council

Approved this 3rd day of April 1905

C. W. Hammond
